Why I bought a Rocket III

I bought one because it instantly added 5 inches to my pecker!
Singapore Rocket iii

Why i got myself a rocket..

haha my dad used to change bike like changing clothes.. After riding for 6 yrs and stick to his SHadow aero classic 1100cc.. almost 2years it's time, either we renew the bike life time or make a change.. it was at this moment when we MET this Monster Rocket iii.. the biggest bike,haha without second thought we just deal it right away. it has been 3mths and No regret! The handling and responsive were surprising!! never had a crusier with such a great Control...
A progressive suspension makeover will keep your butt from bouncing out of the seat, if you like the ride now ... real shocks will turn it into a caddy.
I think i bought a broken rocket, my pecker still the same size
Mine went into hiding the first time I rode it ... tried to climb up my ars from the shock.
I think its more of an "attachment", not meant to make it bigger ... just slips on for instant gratification.
Comes with brass inserts for your balls as well.
Why I bought one.

Rode sportbikes from 1986 to 1994. Got off them due to having kids. Ended up divorced in 1999 and got back riding on a Buell S3T. Wanted to enjoy the world God creted and not just live for adrenaline so I got Harley Road King. Got remarried to same wife. Both of us now Saved. God got me into a Motorcycle Ministry and we both love to ride. Four Harleys later and I was searching for something that was missing in riding. It wasn't fun anymore. The Harleys just get you thinking they are fun because you are sucked into the "modify" mode.

I had a friend show up at church one day on an '07 Rocket iii. It looked so cool. I test drove it and really liked it. The problem was I wanted a Touring Bike. Low and behold, the R3T hit the street in 08 and my journey was on. It took until July of '10 to find used one that my wife affectionately called "The Skunk" due to the white stripe down the middle. I had it three days and was in heaven when a car stopped in front of me and I went over the bars.

I am still looking for another R3T because it ISN'T like everyone else, and it IS fun to ride.
I'm a big guy and have to commute 40 min on the highway in and out of work. Wanted something that fit my size, would sit on the road like a tank but have enough power to get me out of trouble, and be comfy for my wife. R3T is perfect, a blast to ride and comfortable for a guy my size.

Always loved the triumph brand and it's great finding something a little different like a triple with 2300cc - it's definitely a conversation starter. One thing for sure, people seem to respect the triumph on the road.
I've never been a member of the sheople herd...

I hate being just like everyone else. I zag when the crowd zigs. I looked at all the others, I started with HD but they were blah. Every other bike on the road is a HD or a HD wanna be. I almost pulled the trigger on a M109, but then someone on the M109 forum mentioned a Rocket and I had never heard of a Rocket III and in fact didn't know that Triumph was still in business. I came to this and the .com site and got an education. I pissed the wife off by researching the sh!t out of it and decided that I need a Rocket. It was different and unique. The Rocket wasn't another default, generic V-Twin, like everyone else.

I refuse to be a lemming...