Why I bought a Rocket III


Rode my VL 1500 lc the 60 miles to the closest Triumph dealer for something to do one day to look at one and see what all the fuse was about. I sat on it for 2 minutes feeling the side to side balance and just looking it over. Ok I says lets get it ( I say to myself ) I am not getting any younger, life is short. No test ride, never heard it run or even seen one on the road in my neck of the woods.ever.. Come to think about I don't think ever have seen one on the road anywhere. Anyway it fit me as I am 6,4" 255 lb and I just plain fell in love with its looks and the fact that it was a triple and in my mind would be a lot smoother motor then the V twins as I want to do some touring and after 50 miles on both Harleys and my Susy I get real tired of all the thumping coming up from under .

Love it and have never regretted it.
I saw the cover of Motorcycle Cruiser magazine with the R3T on it and was gobsmacked.

I schemed and planned and finally bought one. Though not a perfect fit, she's amazing and a whole lot of fun to ride.:D
Have always ridden Triumph.

Bought the Rocket because my EX wife told me I couldn't have one. It is much more user friendly as is the girlfriend.
yes yes yes on every ones coments i could go on & on this is better then jumping on the wife at least the r3 don't complain when i ride her hard and then just put her back in the garage !!
We have lurked on this forum for a while, but this is our first post. We started riding again in '05 after twenty years. Had to outlive our usefulness to our children...

We started back and rode (and thoroughly enjoyed) a Honda Shadow for a year and 10K miles, but felt we needed more bike. In early '06, a '99 Valkyrie entered our life, and that was/is one tremendous motorbike. However, while our Valk was aging gracefully, she was aging nonetheless; and we are not much of a wrench. As fun as the Valk was, we were restless for a new(er) mount.

Some may disagree, but for us, the problem (or at least the limitation) with replacing the Valk is there are not many options for "upgrading," as few cruisers equal a copy of Honda's mighty F-6 Valkyrie; and fewer still can surpass it for sheer power and "presence." (Most Rocket riders will understand what we mean by "presence."

Enter the Triumph Rocket. We became interested in the Rocket some years ago, and began lurking around this and other forums seeking information. We are old enough to remember when (pre Hinkley) Triumphs were great fun but not known for reliability (to put it kindly). This spring, armed with enough information to satisfy our concerns about reliability, we test rode a Rocket. We sold the Valk and bought the Beast.

The Beast is raw, but relaxed. She has the all important "presence" that we value (she draws a crowd). And she will (a) outrun the Valk; and (b) run off and hide from any other cruiser we have ever ridden. So far (six weeks and a bit over 1K miles), she is terrific. If (as we anticipate) she proves reliable, we will enjoy her tremendously.

Forgive this lengthy post, but we are enthusiastic about the Beast.

We trudge on.
A couple of reasons and one of them is not for the speed the rocket is not or is no way near the fastest bike on the road but one thing it is -----is bloody ugly it is without doubt the ugliest bike I have ever owned.
When I got my bike long before a lot of you even knew what a rocket was they were few and far between although they are not a common bike we have a load of them running around this neck of the woods.:D
A couple of reasons and one of them is not for the speed the rocket is not or is no way near the fastest bike on the road but one thing it is -----is bloody ugly it is without doubt the ugliest bike I have ever owned.
When I got my bike long before a lot of you even knew what a rocket was they were few and far between although they are not a common bike we have a load of them running around this neck of the woods.:D

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
I bought a Rocket because I'd ridden one. And because it's a Triumph. I didn't buy a Harley becauise I'd ridden one - and because every young prat who's made a bit on the stock market or just has more money than brains has one. Common as muck. The tuffer choice for me was actually a few Japs - VTX being top of the maybe list - but all that plastic and no history.

I love owning a Rocket not just because it's big and powerful and beautiful (from most angles) but also because of the way virtually every time I park it someone comes up for a chat or wants to take its picture or says they heard about these but never actually seen one. I also love the way people give you the thumbs up at the lights - they've either enjoyed the way you blasted past them or want to see you take off.
Went from a harley to the r3 thinking a quieter bike wud make me heaps stealthier....think the bright orange paint job might have blown that idea...

Actually took the other half shopping for a replacement ride and the r3 was the only one she said my bum didnt look big on....

Seriously I had 3 things I wanted my new ride to satisfy as I clock up around 1000km a week. Comfort, reliabilty and I didnt want have to ring the engines neck everywhere I went.

Was really only one choice....