Why are people selling their Rockets?

Who knows...internet says one thing on one page and another thing on the next page. Who the fvck do you believe???
Who knows...internet says one thing on one page and another thing on the next page. Who the fvck do you believe???
As everyone knows, the internet is full of misinformation. I tend to believe things I can confirm across multiple sources that I consider credible. The closing of the plant was reported by both local and national news sources. Especially credible is one like the following that contains a quoted statement directly from Harley Davidson.

Harley-Davidson to close KC plant in 2019

Its also hard to dispute the fact that 800 people lost their jobs.

Sorry to disrupt the discussion on people selling the new R3. If I were in the market for a new bike, it would certainly be at the top of my list. I never fully adjusted to the cruiser type of motorcycle, my R3T being the first after a long line of BMWs. I think the new model is a great move for Triumph, especially after so many predicted they would ultimately drop the Rocket from their lineup.
It would appear that motorcycle manufacturers need to have something for everyone if they are going to succeed. Many manufacturers including Triumph have done this to a degree. "Diversity is the spice of life" or so the saying goes and to those who have done this, things look generally good. Has Harley Davidson diversified....? I think they are trying with a couple of lightweights and electric models around but....

I think Triumph needs to get a small displacement bike in the market, as well as dip their toe in the enduro field like the big 4 Japanese manufacturers. They also need to consider those of us that love to travel long distances over multiple days. They gave up on the sports touring models (Trophy and Sprint) but excelled in the explorer ones (Tiger range). The Speedmaster is the closest thing they currently have to a long distance cruiser/touring model having given up on the R3T but maybe that was a good thing if the demographics changed (Harley still caters too much to the dying out baby boomers). I for one wish it still existed. Which manufacturers are succeeding and with what models? It isn't only the USA that dictates what brand/model will succeed (but it does make a big difference). Look at how the Royal Enfield is moving forward!!!

Having said all this... I intend on keeping my Rocket. Love it too much. Just hope parts are available for a long time to come.
For years we complained on the BonnevilleAmerica Forums about the need for a larger capacity cruiser with touring potential. Triumph gave us the Thunderbird in both 1600/1700 versions including a full blown LT model for the long haul. People didn't support it and what happened? Gone. I for one went the Rocket way after comparing the 2. Even the dealer said the Rocket was the better buy. Was tempted though.
The Speedmaster is a beautiful bike. If it had a larger engine that came close to the Rocket I would certainly be interested. It's got great lines and a retro look. 77HP or so just isn't close to enough. Give me 130 hp and let's talk.
The TBird is a grownup Speedmaster. I had my 2012 1700 cc TBird decked out for touring but the LT was every bit the bike as a Road King but better. Apparently, it couldn’t compete.
I don't know why the Tbird never took off. It was and is a beauty but the weight was a bit much so that and the HP/torque difference may be why people went with the Rocket. I never understood why Triumph didn't attempt a weight drop on the Tbird. It was a pretty fat girl that could have used more HP. I mean, compared to the Rocket the Tbird is 'all that' in the looks department. I do like the lines better on the Speedmaster but that's just me.
I hope you like venison.
Yup, venison is good. Saw a deer out my front window, my muzzle loader at the front door. Put my orange vest and hat on (over my house coat) crawled through the snow on my bare knees. Put a cap on the nipple of muzzle loader and harvested my deer.
Having burgers for supper