Do it yourself and save time and money. I've done all services (up to 30K miles).
As has been said here earlier, just document your oil change and filter (use Triumph branded filter) with receipts and pictures.
The brake recall is
free, so that is not part of the fees being quoted.
Software update? Not sure what that is- maybe to clear the wrench icon. I love that icon. It reminds me that I work on the bike myself.
Be sure to update to
@Penner's tune when it's out of warranty. Big update!
I did the 20K myself- it was quite a learning experience and I couldn't find any writeups/YouTubes etc., but it felt good to do myself and be "one with the bike, " absolutely sure it was done correctly, and a couple of thousand dollars better off. More on that here, if you're interested for when you get to that point.
Part 1 This includes valve clearance check and shim replacement. Also air, fuel, spark plug and coolant replacement, and bleeding the clutch. This is a work in progress, so edits and further information to come... Get the service manual here...