First service, what did people pay? I was just quoted $380

Pretty much 😬
I do not do this with motorcycles as it does not matter to me because they are used cheap bikes that do not matter service reports or not, BUT what I DO DO... lol... for my 2 cars that are WORTH DOING and would be applicable to all you new low mile owners is this.
Take your bike / car in for an oil change and ONLY an oil change and request a service inspection some call them MPI (multi point inspections), then go home. NOW you have a report saying what is bad or in need of service. Order parts and do the work yourself and document with pictures the work and file them on a backed up server or a paper folder for your car. this is literally the same effect as the only reason you are having the dealership do the work you are talking about... aka.. warranty / resale value. you now have a professional report and the proof you had the work done. you will NEVER be refused any warranty work as you should never be because of the right to repair laws but this makes it very easy. be aware that the only warranty you have on the work done is on you and the part suppler.
UPDATE- took the bike in today, total was $285.00, they also activated my Bluetooth module I installed and gave me a T shirt 👍
285 would be great compared to what my local dealership quoted - $480 for 600 mile service... (I just got the bike a few days ago so only 100 miles on it so far) - will need to check rates from other locations soon