Dang.... that ugly Kaw......I hated that bike.....Yep that is the one...
The 500 triple 124mph in12.4seconds pretty quick for a rice burner in its day
Another mate had the750 with expansion chambers and z bars .wild ride that's for sure.
Link took me to womens handbags ... how much are you asking for the tins Charlie ? All there i assume . 2 x guards 2x sidecovers set of radiator shrouds and a fuel tank ? Did i miss anything ?...... Bearclaw ???
I Don't have the Radiator trim -I have the Tank -Fenders- Side covers- Bear Claw- Try getting a price on cadillac white Diamond pearl paint! Just the parts unpainted cost a much as I am asking $950 plus shipping. Thank's
Yes...seen most of them as I live in DFW and drop by Stroker's once in a while. Honestly, I think most of Fairless' bikes are very cheezy looking and I would not be seen on one. But...he's made a nice living doing these bikes, has a nice shop and bar/grill to visit and hang out at...so whatever floats your boat. Just not my taste.
I Don't have the Radiator trim -I have the Tank -Fenders- Side covers- Bear Claw- Try getting a price on cadillac white Diamond pearl paint! Just the parts unpainted cost a much as I am asking $950 plus shipping. Thank's
Seems like a really fair price ... knowing the prices of the parts and how much you pay for a decent paintjob, here in Aus that'd be a steal. Good luck with them Charlie... new pic looks even better than the first one.