My mate Donny is pretty keen on an off-white or bone colour for his Rocket. Hey Dan thanks for reminding me of them white and blue T'Birds, will get my mate to check one out. You rackin up the miles on that trans-global rack mate :p
T: Indeed we are taking the rack for rides regularly. "Travelinest" rack we know of. Beast has to go in tomorrow for 10K checkup. It is running so good we are leery of having anybody touch it. We think some variation of that (T Bird) blue and white paint scheme would look good on a Beast. Real good. We trudge on.
Strokers in Dallas has done several tye dye bikes


Oh my word that is insane :eek:

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)
Dusty Rose has good taste.:D I too fell in love with white and chrome when a workmate use to park his old restored Harley in the carpark at work.
From memory he had 2 types of white,or maybe one was closer to cream

Thank you! ;)

<3 Dustyrose <3 (via Android App Tapatalk)
We have seen the tie die bike in person. In looking closely at it, we can see how they accomplished it. What we fail to understand is why. Hey, TC: That white Beast with the blue stripe looks good. Real good. Reminds us of a new TBird we saw recently in white w/blue trim. We trudge on.

I think white / chrome / blue makes a nice combination (and another excuse to post a picture of my baby) :D

Dang.... that ugly Kaw......I hated that bike.....Yep that is the one...

I had a 1970... 750 Norton Commander Black and Gold..when I first saw that bike..I laughed at that ugly thing...and it sounded like a sick chain saw.....Plus leaving a trail of blue stinkie smoke behind it.

Yep...I laughed and laughed.....Until he kicked my ass 6 ways to Sunday:eek:

Anyway...I wanted to run...:eek:.....
Less than month later I had the first 1971 H1 Kaw. in town. 1973....I owned 2 H1 and a new H2.

I sure do Love that beautiful H1 you got there RS...:D:D

Dang.... that ugly Kaw......I hated that bike.....Yep that is the one...

I had a 1970... 750 Norton Commander Black and Gold..when I first saw that bike..I laughed at that ugly thing...and it sounded like a sick chain saw.....Plus leaving a trail of blue stinkie smoke behind it.

Yep...I laughed and laughed.....Until he kicked my ass 6 ways to Sunday:eek:

Anyway...I wanted to run...:eek:.....
Less than month later I had the first 1971 H1 Kaw. in town. 1973....I owned 2 H1 and a new H2.

I sure do Love that beautiful H1 you got there RS...:D:D

Didn't Norton make a white with blue lettering Commando ?