Hey Barbagris. This sounds very promising! I think I may actually be able to find those Junior Timer plugs... We have a car parts company down the street that has sold me relays and stuff before so I think they will be able to find those parts. Now that I know which wire to tap into I am feeling better about getting my FZ1 installed. And always I appreciate getting knowledge from the masters, I will try the connectors before attemping splicing, which I personally am not a fan of either... Thanks again to you and Grizzdan for the advice
Edit: Tried calling automotive parts providers including NAPA and they can not source the Junior Power Timer plugs. Will try calling VW/Volvo/Mercedes dealerships next.
Edit 2: Barbagris I had a little more luck with the VW dealership, they are trying to tell me the closest thing they can find is part# 357972762 ... Does that look correct to you if you search online?