Which Aussie state has the most rocket riders?

Which Aussie state has the most rocket riders?

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Got to admit thou if it was a bit warmer I would love to live on the East Coast around the St Hellens / Bicheno area:cool:
Ulverstone Ulysses AGM holds great memories, by and far the most friendliest towns folk I have ever met
Rode up through the guts of Tassie in April once ... was so f#ckin cold i nearly died. If global warming picks up pace and starts warming the joint up 10 to 15 degrees i'd go live there for sure ....... Till then not a chance !!!
That's why I like it down here, I have the roads almost to myself. What's a bit of cold anyway, just stuff another broadsheet newspaper down the front of your jacket. If it was warmer all year round I would have to leave the place.. Too may people. If you want to know what cold is try sitting on the rail of an ocean racing yacht surfing at 30knots at 60 degrees south amongst the icebergs...it would freeze the nuts of a tractor
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That's why I like it down here, I have the roads almost to myself. What's a bit of cold anyway, just stuff another broadsheet newspaper down the front of your jacket. If it was warmer all year round I would have to leave the place.. Too may people. If you want to know what cold is try sitting on the rail of an ocean racing yacht surfing at 30knots at 60 degrees south amongst the icebergs...it would freeze the nuts of a tractor
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See I Told You the Tasweians are Nuts, when I was Young and Silly I had an excuse for riding in - temp's around Canberra now I have got more sensible and live in a better climate, I still go out in cold weather and even go up to Canberra in the Winter but the body don't tolerate it so good any more
Rode up through the guts of Tassie in April once ... was so f#ckin cold i nearly died. If global warming picks up pace and starts warming the joint up 10 to 15 degrees i'd go live there for sure ....... Till then not a chance !!!

Sounds like the ducks guts then. Fookin memorable ride then? Your be back. Look us up when you are puttering around Tassie TC.
God willing and the creeks don't rise ... i'll be back . Got great friends down at Birch's Bay. I've left a bit of the western top of the island unexplored just to make sure i do.
The run down the west coast is awesome even in the wet lots of twisty bits, but twice I have been both time it has rained
East coast takes forever to ride ... every corner you go round is another spectacular view. Demands you stop and take a photo of your bike all packed up with the view in the background ... it's f#ckin annoying and very time consuming :p