well, was it ever decided which territory had the most Rockets,
or should I say, the most RIDEABLE rockets.
as to female captains, I know only 2 myself,
Dustyrose and SweetTennBabe, but know of a few more.
there's Riding Sunshine, Georgia, MsLizz.
So that's 5 that I know of.
See girls on harleys all the time around here tho.
But it takes a REAL woman to ride a Rocket.
I'd like to visit Australia,
if obama gets re-elected I'd seriously consider moving there.
what's the wages for an over 50's kinda guy?
An Hans, you know red is NOT a proper color,
you and Richard are just misinformed and under the presumption Red is a fast color,
when in actuality, the red ones are painted that way to keep harley riders from running over them.
Sorta like a stop sign is RED, it's noticeable....