Which Aussie state has the most rocket riders?

Which Aussie state has the most rocket riders?

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And don't forget SA is home of the beautiful and bike friendly Stobie Pole. Power poles made from two steel girders infilled with concrete. Google it if you like but this will give you the gist...

Tough Adelaide Stobie Pole - US MUSCLE

Yep and they are as ugly as hell :rolleyes: you hit one of those things even in a car and u have problems . Seen many cars written off due to a run in with the almighty SA stobie pole lol
The Wikipedia entry includes this. Whoever wrote it is a moron.

"In the event of impact by a vehicle and in comparison with a timber pole or tree, the Stobie poles steel structure can provide a reduction of force by absorbing energy through bending and deformation of the steel channel and crumbling of the concrete. This action of the bending causes the vehicle to decelerate more slowly and exert less instantaneous force on the occupants."
The Wikipedia entry includes this. Whoever wrote it is a moron.

"In the event of impact by a vehicle and in comparison with a timber pole or tree, the Stobie poles steel structure can provide a reduction of force by absorbing energy through bending and deformation of the steel channel and crumbling of the concrete. This action of the bending causes the vehicle to decelerate more slowly and exert less instantaneous force on the occupants."

Bahahahahaha bend and crack that is funny lmfao your rite about that Richard they really are morons those stobbies don't budge a mm the only thing bending and cracking will be the car lol
I grew up in Adelaide and seen my fair share of cars and trucks hit those Stobie poles, let me tell you they don't budge for nothin. My brothers and I used to climb them and get covered in rust brown (Mum never happy when we did that):rolleyes:
well, was it ever decided which territory had the most Rockets,
or should I say, the most RIDEABLE rockets.
as to female captains, I know only 2 myself,
Dustyrose and SweetTennBabe, but know of a few more.
there's Riding Sunshine, Georgia, MsLizz.
So that's 5 that I know of.
See girls on harleys all the time around here tho.
But it takes a REAL woman to ride a Rocket.
I'd like to visit Australia,
if obama gets re-elected I'd seriously consider moving there.
what's the wages for an over 50's kinda guy?
An Hans, you know red is NOT a proper color,
you and Richard are just misinformed and under the presumption Red is a fast color,
when in actuality, the red ones are painted that way to keep harley riders from running over them.
Sorta like a stop sign is RED, it's noticeable....
New Rocket

Hi there

Mike (Portsmouth) here and I thought that I would introduce myself as a new Rocket for QLD.

I tried to attend the Rockets Downunder up in Hervey Bay over the weekend to meet other like minded owners but for some reason thought it ran from Friday through to Sunday and so arrived at 4.00pm Saturday afternoon.

So, I missed out but the cruise back was fantastic and I even rode the gateway bridge with two other Captains which incidentally, were the first two R3's I've had the pleasure of riding with.

Looking forward to meeting more since I now know we have the highest number of Rockets in Australia.
Hi there

Mike (Portsmouth) here and I thought that I would introduce myself as a new Rocket for QLD.

I tried to attend the Rockets Downunder up in Hervey Bay over the weekend to meet other like minded owners but for some reason thought it ran from Friday through to Sunday and so arrived at 4.00pm Saturday afternoon.

So, I missed out but the cruise back was fantastic and I even rode the gateway bridge with two other Captains which incidentally, were the first two R3's I've had the pleasure of riding with.

Looking forward to meeting more since I now know we have the highest number of Rockets in Australia.

G'day Portsmouth,
Welcome to the site mate, sorry you couldn't meet us earlier, I met the others in Toowoomba on Friday. Mate it is a good idea to introduce ourself on the "introduce yourself" link.
Great people here on this site.