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1,116.8 miles from Coldwater MI to Sturgis SD. I could do that if I had a mind too. Take my time, with plenty of breaks. Giving it some serious thought....
for what its worth my opinion ;if its in the Dakotas in "july" awful close to sturgis might try to make a decision soon so we can start getting reservations nighttimes soon, close to hardly land
We can do it after the Harley crowd
1,116.8 miles from Coldwater MI to Sturgis SD. I could do that if I had a mind too. Take my time, with plenty of breaks. Giving it some serious thought....
You won't regreat it:)
only 860 miles from here
1500 miles for me, near 3 days if I ride it, maybe 2 if I push, but I get real sleepy on a bike after 600 miles or so
July is too hot. I know. Go for June first 2 weeks or so.

Not too hot in July, Bill.
I've done it four times before in both July and August.
June is too questionable weatherwise over the Beartooth Pass and one NOT to be missed!
OK Bull. I'll come whenever it is . Just stay away from Sturgis time. My 2 times in SD in July were on the 4th at Mt Rushmore and the end of July riding the Black Hills. Both times were very hot.