This is a challenge. If you own your Rocket for a year, high chance you'll miss RAA. And no matter how long you own it, if you're in the US, high chance you'll miss RDU.
So enough folks get together, and they go. If others can join them, they do.
The folks who could NOT do that, think about, "What else ?" No harm in separate activities. I'm still trying to get a tour together in the mid-Atlantic, and one of these years, we're gonna do it.
This is definitely NOT an all or nothing proposition.
The first months I had my Rocket, I didn't know anyone here, and I did know a few folks on the ST1300 site, and joined them on a trip to western North Carolina. One fellow there rode down from Ontario, and during that trip, we discussed us riding up to visit him and his surroundings. That's still on our bucket list. And I can't think of a better machine on which to take that trip than the ROCKET.
So Canada is just another big place -- parts of which are much closer to me than say Phoenix or Seattle.
Think of this thread as just one universe. If you like it -- great. If it doesn't fit for whatever reason, don't rain on their parade -- enjoy the musings vicariously and be happy with that, and/or start your own -- no harm there either.
I too like the thought of Wytheville, VA and surroundings. Most likely that is not appealing to folks out west, and so be it.