Who wants Josey to cook at RAA WV?

I have opened a new thread for head count for Josey's supplies. I have been in contact with him and the cut off date is next Saturday the 6th. If you're not on the list by then sorry. No vittles for you.
I appreciate Josey's cooking quite a bit, as does Pretty Pillion. Any way he cooks a meal is going to be awesome. I know he had planned on towing the smokers with his bike in the bed of his truck. If we are a small number and I'm not not what the number would be, then it doesn't make since to have a big grill. But if there are 20 or more folks, a couple of little grills may not be enough.
No bike. Just Bonnie.
I was bored this morning so I made a from scratch skillet sized cinnamon roll with pecans and orange cream cheese frosting. I ate one piece and the rest went to a union brother and another single mother of 3.
Fresh kielbasa with no preservatives smoked a couple weeks ago. I'm waiting for someone to say it isn't done because it's pink.


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