Wheel Balancing - Dyna Beads

Sounds like you've ruled out balancing as the cause of your vibration, then.
Tried dyna beads when I changed the front tire to an Avon...ran it right up to 110......started vibrating. ....took it back to the shop... ( in town vtwin shop) .." all we do is dyna beads"...no options...I took it to a race shop...left with lead weights.....won't make that mistake twice....
I got a handy-dandy wheel balancer from Harbor Freight and it has done the job well for me.

This was exactly my experience with them. They're messy when you remove the tire too, so that's a negative from my point of view. A good spin balance is hard to beat, and the idea that there is some problem with wheel weights being mounted on wheels has never entered my head in 48 years of motorcycling.
I have no real problem with regular wheel weights, but I have slung a few off. The Ride On goes in and stays there and is supposed to seal up a fairly large puncture. So far I like it
I tried the dyna beads and found that over 100 mph my bike shook like paint mixer. I wouldn't go any faster it got so bad. Called dyna bead and they said that there is something wrong with my motorcycle. Really.... my bike (at the time) was little over 2 yrs old with 17k miles. I toughed it out and waited until I needed a new tire so now all is good with going back to lead weights. I've been over 120 mph a number of times with no problems. Not saying they don't work just don't work for me I guess.
I can't wait to get these beads out of my tires before they rattle my teeth out. Shaking went from bad to worse real quick. Wish I had never tried them. Just my one and only experience with dynabeads.
I had a dyna beeds on my VTX1300 rear , tyre worked very well, but its speed is limited to 100mph!!
Yeah.. why? I mean, at best it works almost as well as real balancing and at worst it doesn't at all. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Real balancing ain't broke.