Wheel Balancing - Dyna Beads

The problem with stuff like this is that it always involves people with opinions. Anyone who has bought these and put them in their tires is already convinced they work,

I was not convinced that they would work since I was going of other peoples opinions, I will try something once if it improves the ride then I will stick with it.
The 1st time I tried it was on my 08 R3T and my 08 Goldwing, on the Goldwing I got 8k out of the rear and 10k out of the front, when I installed new tires I went with the same tires and added the beads, rear got 16k+ and the front got 18k+ miles. After the R3T tire recalls got sorted I went with the set they send me and did the beads as well, front and rear had 15k+ miles when I sold it and both tires were not at the wear bars yet.

For me it works, I get between 35-65% better mileage, smoother ride and even wear out of a set of tires. But that I guess is just my opinion.

AS you said ALL humans are untrustworthy (present company INCLUDED). I did this as an experiment. It was an non-scientific experiment involving ride before, during and after usage of B B's. The conclusion my non-scientific A$$ came to was that their was a better ride with the B B's (Dyna Bead equivalent) than the lead weights. Sorry but I get tired of the Richard Dk Wads that have never done the research ( and that means other than Google) make STUPID accusatory remarks. So get your head out of your A$$ and do the research or SHUT UP! BOOM!!!
If you want to get worked up and feel insulted then feel free, I'm just saying that nobody is trustworthy because nobody is impartial. You believe they work, therefore even if they didn't for you they probably would. Just the nature of being human.
may be out of line or not my business(to a point where im not trustworthy cuz I have an opinion? KMA)but youre pot stirrer stick may be a little big for you
I have used them in the front only twice. No vibration, smooth for.me. At the end.of the tires life I saw a little uneven wear but not enough to worry me. Back on lead weights now.
If you want to get worked up and feel insulted then feel free, I'm just saying that nobody is trustworthy because nobody is impartial. You believe they work, therefore even if they didn't for you they probably would. Just the nature of being human.

Listen Richard Wad, If you have not tried using the system you have no knowledge of weather it is effective or not, their for what you have to say on the subject is not only untrustworthy but ignorant. And further more, just because YOU and All the friends and Family you surround yourself with are untrustworthy, inhuman and immoral, does not mean the rest of the world is like YOU. I my self am extremely Trustworthy as well as many folks I surround my self with. I have not been on this site long at all, but I am quite sure the vast majority of those posting on here are also trustworthy. As far as I care you can take your All Man Is SHT attitude and place it STICK IT!!!

Wow, you probably need to up your daily valium dosage to about double the amount that's supposed to keep you attacking your neighbors and biting them in the leg there, pal.
Wow, you probably need to up your daily valium dosage to about double the amount that's supposed to keep you attacking your neighbors and biting them in the leg there, pal.
I'm cool, where I live we don't care for dicktators and know-nothing liberals. We don't believe in drudging people up in order to force their Opinions on then. Just take your dope and say to tour self "I'm smart and right" over and over and over. Feel good By,By.