What's your reccomended eyewear?

Never heard of Caberg.
Don't think they make DOT spec lids. I get the feeling they may be a bit "bloody minded" about some things - A bit like Airoh. webbikeworld seem to get them for testing though.

Their EGO helmet is also on my short list. As is their Levante due to appear next month.
No, it's not a brand loyalty thing - they are just being different.
I appreciate all the input folks, I will try a few different ideas you have mentioned and see how it goes.
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Just a quick update, for the time being, I have found the ESS Ice to be pretty darn good for daytime.
For my night eye protection, I have opted for the Epoch (pronounced epic) yellow lens. I wore them in the rain this morning and find them to be quite satisfactory there too.

Epoch is my go to brand also, have 3 pair and I haven’t been disappointed yet. Oakley can suck it, overpriced and quality has taken a dive from the original. Tried Bobster’s which were okay but the fit was a little off for me. I won’t spend more the $50 on eyewear, not for plastic. I have some friends and colleagues who spend $200-$300+ for Oakley, Maui Jim, etc and I tell them they are out of their bloody minds!
Back when I was flying and scuba diving regularly, I tried a number of prescription lens whatevers, and always found them to be a waste of a bunch of money. They never really replicated my prescription well, and as my eyes degraded with time, these special lenses were just discarded. Poor ROI.

I have a strong bias therefore in favor of fit-over eyewear.