So I got to ask as I pay attention to Rocket problems for something to ponder on now that I am retired. My question is with the cir-clip movement problem that has risen on this sit which might approach 15 bikes old and new and for ****s and grins I will go 40 bikes out of How many were Produced?????? And unfortunately being a QA Manager after 30 years machining how is this percentage supposed to add up to a major problem with the bike? Don't get me wrong I am a firm believer of then fixing it if it was a box problem warranted or not. Heck 20 bikes is nothing my be is 100 bikes is nothing compared to how many were produced. As for the fear of everything locking up at say a speed above 80 mph
Been there done that threw the shorts away !!!!!!!
When mine locked up it was a little different as I was and do hammer the snot out of it!!!!! And well as mine locked everything engine transmission drive line and wore a flat spot thru the steel belts on the rear tire I did not have a chance to see what would happen if I tried to ride it lord I was happy I did not have to bail as I already know what asphalt feels like

Anyway beside clutch and front cover damage and a bent input shaft It was a day or so until I was torching the beach again

I do not think reporting is a problem as if it ever turned into enough that would spike someones attention not reporting would stop that. I just don't think its a mas production problem maybe someone in the UK should chill their beers before lunch!!!!