What's your reccomended eyewear?

I Have a set of Ugly Fish.

They have a removable padded internal piece that seals like goggles to your eyes for riding and the arms come off so they cam be worn with a strap like goggles. I tend to use them as normal sunglasses without the eye seal and strap (when I'm wearing contact lenses). I really only use a full face helmet now and they fit into that well.

Glide RS03282 Standard Shiny Black Frame Smoke Lens

Comes with a hard and soft case too, oh and a cool sticker of an ugly fish, sold.
I have a triple set like @Jallen3.14 posted, but mine do move around under wind force.
I have a set of Oakley Half Jacket 2.0s which seem to work better (on the left) but my ESS Ice pair are better still (on the right). I last used the ESS when working overseas.
I will continue tryung eyewear till I come up with somethi g that fits my slightly altered nose...
I've had success with both ESS and Wiley-X. And actually I bought a $100 pair of glasses that Hardley sold years back and I was quite impressed with them. Now that I went to a Shoei full face the Wiley's are relegated to everyday use.
As a young person riding in Alabama, 60 mph bugs against bare skin cured me of open anything on a motorcycle.

Under the face shield though, I transferred these Australian Fitovers from sailing, and find they work just fine on the motorcycle, since I also depend on tri-focals these days.

As for fogging, I found that nothing, and I mean *nothing* works when temperatures are between freezing and about 50ºF and it's raining. Between that, and ice, I simply don't go out (I do have spiked tires for one of my bicycles though for ice and snow).

For everything else, I add fog shield to the inside of every replacement face shield.
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Under the face shield though, I transferred these Australian Fitovers from sailing, and find they work just fine on the motorcycle, ------
BUT - believe me they DO NOT work well "open face" . They seem to generate a lot of eddies - drying eyes really fast. And let's be honest here - they are generally quite the antithesis of Stylish.

Somewhere I have 3 pairs of wrap around glasses/goggles with foam face seals and the arm or strap option. Came from LIDL (Europeans know LIDL). Came with 3 sets lenses too. iirc 5 Euros a pair. May have to dig them out - I am thinking hard about getting something "off-road-ish" for summer
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Really, a pinlock shield doesn't work for you? I ride even below freezing sometimes, as long as my vents are open, mine work great.
Really, a pinlock shield doesn't work for you? I ride even below freezing sometimes, as long as my vents are open, mine work great.

I swear by those pin lock inserts, and still, I'm talking specifically about just 35°F to around 50°F in pouring *rain* . . .

The moisture beads on the inside of the shield and in time is a severe impairment to vision, especially since winter is when I'm riding in dark at both ends of the work day and on-coming headlights block out everything in those conditions.

I reported here about two years ago I rode a bike in on a February morning, and a front moved in with rain, and going home that evening 38°F and rain, I misjudged cars stopping in front of me and grabbed a handful of front brake, locked up, and went down.