I am a big fan of sissy bar bags. Do not care much for saddlebags. Had the same bag on the Harley and after about six months of daily use the zippers broke. Bought a Tourmaster bag that actually fits and looks better four years ago and is still in use on the Rocket. Even after being in many a down pours and used everyday it still retains its original shape. The mounting system for the bag is very stable and easy to use. Just the right size for carrying cold weather gear and lunch. Very functional and well made bags.
I think one common denominator of all of us is an elevated level of insanity. If I wanted to be like everybody else, I would have gotten a black Harley, spent more time polishing it than in the saddle...I would have dressed up like a pirate a couple of times a year whenever I decided to abscond with the garage queen for a trip to Hooters to get a pic with a waitress on it...nah...I just want to ride!...you know, RIDE!
Coz I have a small penis ! But mainly because it's put the great back into a very lacking and deteriorating Britain .I've had many bikes , all Japanese and loved em but the Rocket Roadster, now that's a statement ! It stands at the gates of oblivion and sticks two fingers up to all that came before it . Ride it fast or ride it slow, you just can't ignore it !
I was visiting the Indian store near Boise, Idaho when I saw my Rocket. I didn't even know that Triumph made a touring bike. It was love at first site. After a test ride I was hooked. I had just threw a bunch of money into my Harley that did not help my trade in. I had put cams in the HD and had head work done, plus custom paint. After my test ride I gave the Hog up without a second thought. A week after I had done the cams in the HD I was looking at turbos. I had been given a taste of more power and I was hooked. The rocket has sated that craving for the time being and it's nice knowing more is available that won't cost as much as buying a new bike. Thank YOU TRIUMPH!
OUCH! I should stop poking fun at the yellow man. I wonder if they sit around the break room mimicking our western accents. I don't know why I think it's so funny. Most oriental people I know speak with less of an accent than I do and their English is much better than mine not to mention I couldn't speak their native countries language to save my life.
OUCH! I should stop poking fun at the yellow man. I wonder if they sit around the break room mimicking our western accents. I don't know why I think it's so funny. Most oriental people I know speak with less of an accent than I do and their English is much better than mine not to mention I couldn't speak their native countries language to save my life.
I actually spend most my time on the internet looking at stuff I want to do to my new Rocket. I have been researching building my own seat. I just finished buying the tools needed to do the job. Now I just need to find a block of rebound foam.
I actually spend most my time on the internet looking at stuff I want to do to my new Rocket. I have been researching building my own seat. I just finished buying the tools needed to do the job. Now I just need to find a block of rebound foam.
I have a friend who works as an upholsterer for a Bentley restoration company , he reformed my seat using 3 different types finishing with a jell foam . The standard seats are comfy for the first hour I find and then they take their toll . But man , mine is like an armchair now . Only refueling stops me now !
Back on the subject of motovation guys , and all of us having something in common , my much younger ( and smaller ) woman commented on the fact that due to the age range of a lot of us guys , that midlife crisis could be part of it ? I gave her a slap obviously , but then after picking my teeth up off the floor I started wondering ? Nah couldn be . I bin having one a week for the last 10 years !