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I got a new sissybar bag today at the Harley dealer that fits the Rocket perfect. Also added a GOPRO remote mount next to the Cruise Control buttons.
sissy bar bags.jpg
Actually I wish it wasn't there but to make an effort to remove it or cover it says that I hate Harley Davidson which isn't really true. The bag is good, if Harley recognized that and bought a bunch from China for a buck a piece and glued their
emblem on it and sold it for 110 dollars and the other guys didn't so be it. I would like it better if it didn't say anything but I still liked it well enough to buy it. I also like Harleys, and I like lots of other bikes too. I don't believe that my Triumph
makes me above anybody any more than a Harley owner is above anybody. I do think the Triumph is a better bike but I think a Kenworth is better than a Mack, who cares.
I am a big fan of sissy bar bags. Do not care much for saddlebags. Had the same bag on the Harley and after about six months of daily use the zippers broke. Bought a Tourmaster bag that actually fits and looks better four years ago and is still in use on the Rocket. Even after being in many a down pours and used everyday it still retains its original shape. The mounting system for the bag is very stable and easy to use. Just the right size for carrying cold weather gear and lunch. Very functional and well made bags.
I am a big fan of sissy bar bags. Do not care much for saddlebags. Had the same bag on the Harley and after about six months of daily use the zippers broke. Bought a Tourmaster bag that actually fits and looks better four years ago and is still in use on the Rocket. Even after being in many a down pours and used everyday it still retains its original shape. The mounting system for the bag is very stable and easy to use. Just the right size for carrying cold weather gear and lunch. Very functional and well made bags.

When this bag takes a **** maybe I'll find a better one, until then it will be ok. We have a bigger one for long trips but I hate the way it looks if I'm not needing it. The Rocket is my first bike with saddle bags and with a wife that goes with me all the time they are needed.