I have been riding since 1970. I have owned or ridden all types of great and no so great bikes. I love bikes of all types. I am all of 5" 8" 190 lbs. So the size of this bike was not really a consideration. I have always leaned more towards Kawasaki than any other. Just like I lean towards Pontiac and Chevrolet. But I never closed my eyes to the others. I have had countless bikes including several Shovels and Evos, Hondas and Yamahas, Suzukis and of course Kawasakis. Two Triumphs, a TR6 and a 750 Bonny Chopper. At the time I bought my Roadster I owned a 2000 Valkyrie Interstate, 01 ZRX, 89 Springer and a 08 VN2000. When I rode the Roadster I was blown away by the # 1 Power, #2 Handling of a big cruiser, # 3 the brakes, # 4 Reliability, # 5 The Power. I was smitten. The price had nothing to do with it. Comparing it to a H-D had nothing to do with it (there is no comparison). I am a bike guy, the bike had everything to do with it. The Rocket is an all around performer, it is without a doubt a biker's bike. For a guy that has 40 plus years of riding and wants a cruiser that will keep up with a sport bike and a cruiser that will out cruise the competition the Rocket fits the bill. I can cut a curve, race a 1320, stop on a dime, and ride a 200 mile day on the same saddle. I hope this helps.