a few years back ....... I worked selling Kawasaki motorcycles. I took a new GTR1400 for a pre-delivery test ride. It was a really hot summers day and I thought ............ just going a couple of klms around the block, done it countless times, so I rode off in a full-face, short sleeve shirt, levis and joggers. I fell off taking a right hand bend in the road at about 40 klms/h where some diesel fuel had been spilled moments before. Me ..... broken right foot in 3 places, a hole in my right elbow with so much flesh missing it couldn't be stitched, hideous pain and lots of soft tissue damage. Had I not been wearing my helmet I would have most certainly had a serious head injury as well. Had I put on my riding gear (jacket with armor, kevlar jeans and mid length boots) that I rode to work in that morning, then the injuries would not have been nearly as bad. The GTR ............. was written off. Lessoned learned ....... if its gonna happen, its gonna happen when you least expect it and probably close to home or work.
I guess I understand a free thinking rational person weighing up the odds and deciding to ride without some or all of their gear, but what I don't get is those who allow their pillions (wives, GFs, kids) to get on the back without it ........... see it here in Sydney way to often.