What did you do to your Rocket today?

I'm in that club, too.
When I first got it, had it pointing downhill on the driveway and just enough to drag it off of the side stand.
A few months later I was parking it at Walmart in a yellow zone by a front light pole. I thought I had the stand down till I leaned it just past the point of no return and had to let it settle on the left side. It was early morning so not many people around, thank goodness. A few employee's were outside on break and one fellow came over and help me get it back up. Got a helping of humble pie on that one.
Both times the highway pegs on the crash bar saved any lasting effects. There is a scuff on the upper left crash bar that was there when I bought it. I have no idea how it got there so high up with no other visible marks.
Oh, one time in the garage it leaned over too far while I was working on it. My brother-in-law happened to be visiting and helped me get it back upright. No harm done that time either.
Now I'm in the habit of always checking the stand before leaning on to it, and by second nature know just how far it can lean and be fine.
Took the TwoTone to the beach. She say she's ready for some BRP twisties.

I just installed an O2 Sensor Eliminator, removed the sensor and installed a bung plug.

I'll check the plug after a few hundred miles to see if the fiber gasket is still holding up with all the heat it gets.

Update: After one ride the fiber gasket was fried. It was cracked and the bolt was loose. At least the bolt was still hanging on.

I just now replaced the gasket with a copper crush washer I got from Amazon yesterday.

That should do the trick.

Installed the ECU Map from @Joesmoe. The one with the decel popping stuff.
Ran the bike for 20 minutes for the adaptation. The TPS indicator still never turned green, but 20 minutes should have done it.

Now... time to take it out for the 50 miler. :)

I'll see if that fixes the dribble sound get when I let off the throttle. The TORS amplify all the sounds that I never heard with the OEM pipes.
I completed my 55 Day 2020 Winter Escape Tuesday and gave the gal a good cleaning yesterday.

I still need to really get into the nooks and crannies on the engine and wheels as there is tar and grime that just won't come off with normal degreasers and scrubbing.

After the October 7,200 mile trip and this 8,400 mile trip I need to lube the axle splines, refresh the rear end fluid, install new brake lines, rebuild both front calipers, install new plugs, install new crankcase breather, and change the oil again soon.

I also have to install the new tow hitch and wiring on the bike and install the coupler, lift handle, and tongue brace on the MC Camper trailer next month so I can go on a big trip
without spending so much money on hotels.

floridarides2020plus departure d55.jpg
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