What did you do to your Rocket today?

Day 51 of my 2020 winter escape. 275 miles today in TN/NC/TN. 7,500 so far in 7 weeks and still at least 4-5 days away from home.

I achieved a major milestone today by breaking 150,000 miles on my 2005 Rocket III. Not bad for having short 6-9 month riding seasons.

I also maintained my tradition of going 100MPH at the point the odometer clicks over another 10,000 miles.

It took 7 years to do my 1st 100K and 8 years to do the next 50K but I didn't really ride much 4 of those years due to working out the country, sickness and dealer mechanic incompetence.

A lifetime memories (good & bad) and I'm still loving this motorcycle.

That’s awesome! Very cool indeed
That’s awesome! Very cool indeed

Thanks. I rolled through Nashville Wednesday after completing the Natchez Trace Parkway. Loved it, especially the last 100 miles.
I was at 149,950 when I checked into the motel in Pigeon Forge.
I burned off some miles on back roads but couldn't find a good spot to get to 100 so ended up going up Rt66 and getting on I40 East .
No problem as everyone was doing 80 anyways...
I just installed an O2 Sensor Eliminator, removed the sensor and installed a bung plug.

The plug is tucked in just under the left side cover in front of the ECU. No need to remove the seat, as I did.

I installed the plug without a gasket and looks like there may be a bit of blowout. Could not find a copper crush washer yet so went with a fiber one for now.
Got the bolt, an M18 X 1.5mm at O'Reiley for $10, then found the exact same one at ACE Hardware for $3.50 while looking for the washer.:banghead:


I'll check the plug after a few hundred miles to see if the fiber gasket is still holding up with all the heat it gets.


Just posted the following question on another thread (old one) and reposting here.:
I just installed an O2 Sensor Eliminator, removed the sensor and installed a bung plug.
I have been running the NELS-TORS_RAMAIR-K&N map and I have the O2 sensor unchecked in TuneECU.

Does anybody know if this set up going to be okay, or do I need to Check the O2 box with that eliminator installed????

Been reading some posts on this and it sounds like it could run crappy with eliminator installed and the O2 sensor turned off in the TuneECU map.
I have a 2010 Touring, BTW.
I just installed an O2 Sensor Eliminator, removed the sensor and installed a bung plug.

The plug is tucked in just under the left side cover in front of the ECU. No need to remove the seat, as I did.

I installed the plug without a gasket and looks like there may be a bit of blowout. Could not find a copper crush washer yet so went with a fiber one for now.
Got the bolt, an M18 X 1.5mm at O'Reiley for $10, then found the exact same one at ACE Hardware for $3.50 while looking for the washer.:banghead:


I'll check the plug after a few hundred miles to see if the fiber gasket is still holding up with all the heat it gets.


Just posted the following question on another thread (old one) and reposting here.:
I just installed an O2 Sensor Eliminator, removed the sensor and installed a bung plug.
I have been running the NELS-TORS_RAMAIR-K&N map and I have the O2 sensor unchecked in TuneECU.

Does anybody know if this set up going to be okay, or do I need to Check the O2 box with that eliminator installed????

Been reading some posts on this and it sounds like it could run crappy with eliminator installed and the O2 sensor turned off in the TuneECU map.
I have a 2010 Touring, BTW.
What is the advantage of the elimanator compared to unticking the o2 sensor box in tune ecu and just turning it off?
Took the bike out of the garage started it and parked it in the driveway. When I walked away heard a crash and look back and my rocket was on its side. Could hardly believe it. Was in somewhat of a hurry and guess stand was not fully down? drive way is sloped but not too bad. The engine guards took most of the pain with scratches on the guards, end of the clutch, left exhaust but you cannot see it. took a Dremel and carefully took the scratch marks out and used touch up paint and spray paint. You would not be able to tell unless you were really looking the bike over. Drop count at 1 for both my motorcycles. Do not want it to become a habit. One drop and the guards payed for themselves.
What is the advantage of the elimanator compared to unticking the o2 sensor box in tune ecu and just turning it off?

None as far as what I gather from here, but I got one with the crossover pipe so I went and put it in. I have heard that the sensor can get fouled by leaving it in with the O2 box unchecked. But I'm new to all this stuff.
None as far as what I gather from here, but I got one with the crossover pipe so I went and put it in. I have heard that the sensor can get fouled by leaving it in with the O2 box unchecked. But I'm new to all this stuff.
definitely will go bad, i was just curious, I just unchecked turned off on tune ecu and removed from header and put in box. Thanks man
None as far as what I gather from here, but I got one with the crossover pipe so I went and put it in. I have heard that the sensor can get fouled by leaving it in with the O2 box unchecked. But I'm new to all this stuff.
Took the bike out of the garage started it and parked it in the driveway. When I walked away heard a crash and look back and my rocket was on its side. Could hardly believe it. Was in somewhat of a hurry and guess stand was not fully down? drive way is sloped but not too bad. The engine guards took most of the pain with scratches on the guards, end of the clutch, left exhaust but you cannot see it. took a Dremel and carefully took the scratch marks out and used touch up paint and spray paint. You would not be able to tell unless you were really looking the bike over. Drop count at 1 for both my motorcycles. Do not want it to become a habit. One drop and the guards payed for themselves.
Humility, love it, brav
None as far as what I gather from here, but I got one with the crossover pipe so I went and put it in. I have heard that the sensor can get fouled by leaving it in with the O2 box unchecked. But I'm new to all this stuff.

yes it can cause the sensor to go bad:thumbsup:
Took the bike out of the garage started it and parked it in the driveway. When I walked away heard a crash and look back and my rocket was on its side. Could hardly believe it. Was in somewhat of a hurry and guess stand was not fully down? drive way is sloped but not too bad. The engine guards took most of the pain with scratches on the guards, end of the clutch, left exhaust but you cannot see it. took a Dremel and carefully took the scratch marks out and used touch up paint and spray paint. You would not be able to tell unless you were really looking the bike over. Drop count at 1 for both my motorcycles. Do not want it to become a habit. One drop and the guards payed for themselves.
Welcome to the club.
Mine fell over in the driveway when 6 days old. Same scenario, left running and went to close garage door.
Handle bars were on risers and low so they left a sizable dent in the tank.
I was able to pull most of it out with a cheap dent puller and tie a handkerchief on the bar and turn them to cover it up.

I put a Rivco chrome kickstand gadget on it to help prevent it from sinking in hot pavement but I don’t think they sell them any more...