I just installed an O2 Sensor Eliminator, removed the sensor and installed a bung plug.
The plug is tucked in just under the left side cover in front of the ECU. No need to remove the seat, as I did.
I installed the plug without a gasket and looks like there may be a bit of blowout. Could not find a copper crush washer yet so went with a fiber one for now.
Got the bolt, an M18 X 1.5mm at O'Reiley for $10, then found the exact same one at ACE Hardware for $3.50 while looking for the washer.
I'll check the plug after a few hundred miles to see if the fiber gasket is still holding up with all the heat it gets.
Just posted the following question on another thread (old one) and reposting here.:
I just installed an O2 Sensor Eliminator, removed the sensor and installed a bung plug.
I have been running the NELS-TORS_RAMAIR-K&N map and I have the O2 sensor unchecked in TuneECU.
Does anybody know if this set up going to be okay, or do I need to Check the O2 box with that eliminator installed????
Been reading some posts on this and it sounds like it could run crappy with eliminator installed and the O2 sensor turned off in the TuneECU map.
I have a 2010 Touring, BTW.