What did you do to your Rocket today?

Pictures pictures pictures !!!
How about a link or contact info for these chin spoilers. Please ??

I bought mine directly from Fiberman Jason Dunn on sale in 2018 for US$99 (plain ones)
Jason Dunne Fiberman

but I think this is his work for $125:

You have to drill 4 small holes in his but they are marked - no big deal.
Mine came with silver bolts but You can order flat black M6 bolts online at:

M6 X 16mm Button Head Cap Screw; Pack of 10 Sold by: FASTENER DEPOT, LLC US$7.25 and get black washers locally.

or buy fancy black gloss ones from Mr Gill at:
Triumph Rocket 3 Metal Parts - Rocke's Patches
See his belly pan decals as well!!

His fit under my tip over bars but you may need to trim the fiberglass depending on what bars you have...

There are other ones out there as well.
1103AE4B-0240-46C6-8263-DC9D93D7476B.JPG Have my 2010 Roadster now for 4 days, and, with english electronics..., the heated grips didn't heat up anymore. Checked the wiring and connections, all looked fine. After the check, warm grips again! Maybe a bad relais? Tomorrow a cold sunny day, I'll take a spare with me:D

There are two types of heated grips.
Ones that do not work and ones that will soon not work.
A huge PITA, IMHO.
I guess you're right, didn't change a thing but still working fine... I just lost the habit of checking every ride wether they work or not, that will be back now:laugh: