Was Tired at looking at the tarnish on the ends of my rear passenger pegs , so came up with this solution . I acquired 2 1967 ( my birth year ) old penny's. Bit of a polish and a dab of chemical metal and hey Presto !
Was Tired at looking at the tarnish on the ends of my rear passenger pegs , so came up with this solution . I acquired 2 1967 ( my birth year ) old penny's. Bit of a polish and a dab of chemical metal and hey Presto !
Have my 2010 Roadster now for 4 days, and, with english electronics..., the heated grips didn't heat up anymore. Checked the wiring and connections, all looked fine. After the check, warm grips again! Maybe a bad relais? Tomorrow a cold sunny day, I'll take a spare with me
I guess you're right, didn't change a thing but still working fine... I just lost the habit of checking every ride wether they work or not, that will be back now