What did you do to your Rocket today?


Finally got a crossover pipe and swapped the old box out with it.
I already have TORS and Ramair.

I had just emailed Paul, and then one in the US popped up on EBay. So I grabbed it. It looks like one of his, but I'm not an authority on that.
Paul replied right back, but I'd already grabbed this one. Should have waited a bit more.

It came with a couple of baffles (not sure where they would fit, but I want straight through, anyway!!) and some adapters.
I don't know what the white thingy is. Some kind of sensor? Do I want to use that somewhere??

I have the NELS tune, so I should be good. I should get it Dyno tuned, because I think I am done with all the add ons, but I don't know of any in Utah that I'd trust with Tune ECU.




Took her out for a short spin before the rain comes. Seems to have a bit more tone, a bit noisier, and maybe two or three more HP. Got to ride more to really tell.
Finally got a crossover pipe and swapped the old box out with it.
I already have TORS and Ramair.

I had just emailed Paul, and then one in the US popped up on EBay. So I grabbed it. It looks like one of his, but I'm not an authority on that.
Paul replied right back, but I'd already grabbed this one. Should have waited a bit more.

It came with a couple of baffles (not sure where they would fit, but I want straight through, anyway!!) and some adapters.
I don't know what the white thingy is. Some kind of sensor? Do I want to use that somewhere??

I have the NELS tune, so I should be good. I should get it Dyno tuned, because I think I am done with all the add ons, but I don't know of any in Utah that I'd trust with Tune ECU.




Took her out for a short spin before the rain comes. Seems to have a bit more tone, a bit noisier, and maybe two or three more HP. Got to ride more to really tell.
Sure looks like his, great welds
Installed a new Barnett clutch. Haven't been able to try it out yet. I found my RamAir filter ripped and needs replaced now. Hope to try the new clutch and increased performance soon.
I don't know what the white thingy is. Some kind of sensor? Do I want to use that somewhere??


Looks like the dongle to plug into the O2 sensor wiring when you disconnect that wiring from the sensor. The idea is that it sends a constant 0.5V (?) signal to the puter to say that all is well in the exhaust mix. Thus preventing the puter trying to change A/F mix to compensate for your mucking around with the closed-loop areas of your fuel maps.
Day 51 of my 2020 winter escape. 275 miles today in TN/NC/TN. 7,500 so far in 7 weeks and still at least 4-5 days away from home.

I achieved a major milestone today by breaking 150,000 miles on my 2005 Rocket III. Not bad for having short 6-9 month riding seasons.

I also maintained my tradition of going 100MPH at the point the odometer clicks over another 10,000 miles.

It took 7 years to do my 1st 100K and 8 years to do the next 50K but I didn't really ride much 4 of those years due to working out the country, sickness and dealer mechanic incompetence.

A lifetime memories (good & bad) and I'm still loving this motorcycle.
