Well, the day started out $hitty

If it's in fact a headgasket it would be an OK deal if you bought it for $1999. My worry would be that it detonated one or more cylinders. Then you could be looking at pistons/sleeves. If it leaked coolant into the oil it could need a lot more.
hey ..I have a set of pistons & sleeves for sale 13000 miles just in case the rig did detonate.. I need to clear some shelves !!
hey ..I have a set of pistons & sleeves for sale 13000 miles just in case the rig did detonate.. I need to clear some shelves !!
Well it sold offline mid dec 17 to a lucky bastard and was possibly the cause of at least one of these matching kits selling afterwards. 5 were sold best price of US$100 was a bargain.
Triumph Flyscreen kit for Rocket III - Flames Red (A9748045-ZCLE) | eBay
Claviger does I read he posted price like 400 to 500

last off the line

@warp9.9 provided:

Fred @Rocket Scientist said: