Well, the day started out $hitty

I talked to Bill today just a wee bit as I did not want to seem like I was stealing classified knowledge. Since gear manufacturing was one of my jobs I must admit I was curious as to how they machined the internal spokes versus the male dogs. I have a tool and cutter grinder and grinding the dogs would be no harder than grinding the flutes on an end mill peripherally without secondary cutting relief angles. And well I guess one can not justify an EDM for the internal no matter how precise it might be. He has specified carbide cutters much like dovetail cutters to do the job. With circular interpolation I can see the advantage here especially if one were to have a family of parts parametric program. Definitely going to have to talk to him more especially about helical gearing and what he can make. I did not pick his brain about shim clearances yet but with a lathe and really if needed a surface grinder any thickness can be made. I can see where buying up some old outdated splined shims could be a smart thing when it comes to making a precision thickness for the 3/2 gear pack. Of course it does nothing for center line placement between them which I see a shim pack needed between them to control gear placement. Must be the Tool Maker creeping out.
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There is a lot of metal yet on the splines before you get to the shaft proper, do you think cutting deeper into the splines but not all the way to
the bottom would still promote cracking ?

just finished the thread and it looks like that shaft where the clip rides is wore out like maybe the ring was a little expanded and kept beating the shaft. i would think that u would need to square it up so another ring would not pop out.
before u cut the shaft deeper u need to have the ring so u know how deep to cut the grove. u do not want the clip to be loose and turning on the shaft.
because u need to square up the grove u might want to get a thicker stronger clip. i am assuming that a thicker clip would work. if u can measure the shaft where the clip fits into the grove with caliper i can check what i have also how thick is the clip?

You hittin' the pipe again ? Cause you out there on some astral plane

Thanks man ! Been busy as hell at work. As soon as I can, I'll get the critical measurements on both shafts. I plan to have the gears undercut to help reduce the side thrust, and the grooves cut deeper, possibly a little wider too if there is room. I would like to not have to worry about this in the future. So if it needs a belt and suspenders, so be it !