Hi, My name is Lee and my R3 is Sai which means Rhino in Japanese. I joined R3Owners right after buying a 2015 Rocket 3 Roadster last year. I'm American and have lived in Japan for the past 40 years and have toured around all four main islands by car several years ago and now intend to do it again on my Rocket. Just the other day I was on a tour around Sado Island in Japan Sea when I started having electrical trouble so I got online and went to R3oweners.net for help and picked the first staff name I saw to write to (Joesmoe) and before I knew it he had my distress message out on the forum and suggestions for a fix followed...by the way I was able to fix the problem. The short would occur only when I turned the wheel hard to the right, then the fuse would blow. I made it home with my brake lights, turn signals, and horn working ok but I still need to find out exactly which wire was causing the short. Thanks again to you all...this is a great forum!!!