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... and yes again! BTW, mine is no ordinary R3. She's a bona fide hot rod with motor & exhaust mods done by a master of the dark mechanical arts.
She looks pretty much bone stock other than the exhaust which is Carpenter Racing's Brute 3 into 1.
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Thanks for dropping in!!! Even if you are an "old timer" why don't you post a little something here? The new people, the old people, and everyone in between like to know who they are talking to. It gives your avatar a little character!!

I be Toystoretom and live in Blue Springs Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. I have a black 05 Rocket. That bike makes me grin more than just about anything else I've ever ridden. I have a cat that I will ship to you, I just need your address.....

I love the Bonneville, but kept trying to ride it like a cruiser. Finally, I traded my Bonneville in for a 2007 R3 Classic and rode it all over North America. One day, on a lark, I took a 2013 R3 Touring for a spin and was hooked. I sold the Classic and have been racking up the miles on the Touring. I ride from the PNW near Seattle.
Thanks for dropping in!!! Even if you are an "old timer" why don't you post a little something here? The new people, the old people, and everyone in between like to know who they are talking to. It gives your avatar a little character!!

I be Toystoretom and live in Blue Springs Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. I have a black 05 Rocket. That bike makes me grin more than just about anything else I've ever ridden. I have a cat that I will ship to you, I just need your address.....
Sorry, having a little trouble navigating. Its been a while. I live just north of Phx. Bought my 2015 roadster about a year ago and luv it...18 k on it aready. Looking to gain HP so I'm looking to change pipes,power commander, air filter. The staff at Go Az havent been much help. Got a lot of good info in the past. Looking once again...
First post from K9. Been riding since 93. Bike history consists of; Sporster, Valkyrie, Zephyr, Magna, Valkyrie & Rocket. Have a Magna, a Valkie and a Rocket in the garage. Still figuring out the Rocket. Lots of power but has to be muscled into turning. Need practice. Retired to play house, windsurf, ride the motos and take care of the dogs and my Cathy. Live in So East Houston, Clear Lake. Would like to meet some of you out there. Prefer to ride with company. It is much safer. Drop me a message and let's go ride.
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