Living Legend
Yup, and to be fair, and complete antithesis to my first post on this thread - When I first got my Rocket I rode it up to the local small town shop here which is not a dealership & caters to all (They sell used bikes mostly, H-D, Honda & also some new Royal Enfields) - As I was getting off my bike a pack of H-D's rode up in full leather kit, no helmets, bandana's, ect & I'm thinking "here we go"
As they kill their twins
one of the older guys starts railin on what an awesome bike I had & was tellin his posse, "man, that's the biggest engine you can get on a production bike & on & on.
Made me feel like my p<ck<r was bigger than it actually is........................ well, you know

Good dudes

As they kill their twins
Made me feel like my p<ck<r was bigger than it actually is........................ well, you know

Good dudes