Way to much fun

Deeds speak louder than words each and every time, therefore the build quality and performance characteristics of our R3's soundly refute the glitzy packaging, egotism and marketing that are the primary hallmarks of the Harley Davidson phenomenon.

I've said it before and will maintain 'til I'm dust that I am not a brand snob, however the facts are the facts. HD has brainwashed the weak among their vast horde of lemmings to believe their corporate hype-induced groupthink. The Motor Company could be better known as The Fantasy Factory by virtue of how many of their devotee's (sic) live in their very own private Idahos and it is those particular owner/riders that I pray to have chance encounters with on the road.

Truth of the matter is that they are such easy pickin's, it's hardly worth the effort to humble those that beg to be humbled, but it sure is fun and perversely satisfying to do so each and every time the opportunity arises. I guess that makes me a brand bully to some, but I like to think of this paradigm as a corrective measure rather than as a show of force. It's just another way to balance the scales of human foibles and folly, even though participating in the exercise makes me just as guilty as the other of exploiting our own defects.
Deeds speak louder than words each and every time, therefore the build quality and performance characteristics of our R3's soundly refute the glitzy packaging, egotism and marketing that are the primary hallmarks of the Harley Davidson phenomenon.

I've said it before and will maintain 'til I'm dust that I am not a brand snob, however the facts are the facts. HD has brainwashed the weak among their vast horde of lemmings to believe their corporate hype-induced groupthink. The Motor Company could be better known as The Fantasy Factory by virtue of how many of their devotee's (sic) live in their very own private Idahos and it is those particular owner/riders that I pray to have chance encounters with on the road.

Truth of the matter is that they are such easy pickin's, it's hardly worth the effort to humble those that beg to be humbled, but it sure is fun and perversely satisfying to do so each and every time the opportunity arises. I guess that makes me a brand bully to some, but I like to think of this paradigm as a corrective measure rather than as a show of force. It's just another way to balance the scales of human foibles and folly, even though participating in the exercise makes me just as guilty as the other of exploiting our own defects.

Oh Yea, Guilty as charged of my own defects.
I really have no right to bash anything H-D or any one who chooses H-D, as I have never owned one & really don't know much about them, never interested in them.
But these clowns, that I would have never even had reason to say anything to, made themselves as you say easy pickings, when he decided after seeing my Triumph Tshirt, that he needed to ask me if I ride with a tone of laughter so his superiority complex could kick in. Yup, he was beggin to be humbled. And yes, it was perversely satisfying :whitstling:
Deeds speak louder than words each and every time, therefore the build quality and performance characteristics of our R3's soundly refute the glitzy packaging, egotism and marketing that are the primary hallmarks of the Harley Davidson phenomenon.

I've said it before and will maintain 'til I'm dust that I am not a brand snob, however the facts are the facts. HD has brainwashed the weak among their vast horde of lemmings to believe their corporate hype-induced groupthink. The Motor Company could be better known as The Fantasy Factory by virtue of how many of their devotee's (sic) live in their very own private Idahos and it is those particular owner/riders that I pray to have chance encounters with on the road.

Truth of the matter is that they are such easy pickin's, it's hardly worth the effort to humble those that beg to be humbled, but it sure is fun and perversely satisfying to do so each and every time the opportunity arises. I guess that makes me a brand bully to some, but I like to think of this paradigm as a corrective measure rather than as a show of force. It's just another way to balance the scales of human foibles and folly, even though participating in the exercise makes me just as guilty as the other of exploiting our own defects.
Phil your words a eloquent and inspiring. Hemingway and Thompson would be pleasured in your lament.
Yes, like yours. The truth be told, I am not completely anti H-D. In fact I am not anti any particular bike manufacturer. I still own an Evo Springer and a few Kawasakis. Sonny makes a great point. A lot of times it is a H-D rider that makes H-D look bad. In your case you appear to be a Motorcycle rider, not a H-D rider. The guys that have never ridden a bike and buy a H-D for their first ride or guys that only ride H-D seem to have that attitude towards any rider not on a H-D. They obviously dont know any better. I have been ridding gas powered two wheeled cycles since 1970. I have had all types, makes, and levels of quality bikes. I have had gems and complete ass turds that left me stranded. In my opinion most bikes made me smile. But in todays world when I compare modern Liquid cooled Twins or a V-twins like a Kawasaki, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Ducati, Triumph.... etc to an American made air cooled V-Twin like the big H-D, Victory and Indian. And their price compared to the aforementioned bikes, I just cringe.

Also we are on a Triumph Rocket forum. And we all know that the Rocket is superior in power than any other cruiser out there so H-D is open game.

I went to the Blessing of the Bikes yesterday in my local area and everyone that asked me about the Rocket was non H-D rider. In other words they were motorcycle riders. And they wanted to know how it handled, braked, accelerated, etc... I would ask them what they rode and they would all tell me about their ride. Not one of them had a H-D. My son says there were about 30 people that stopped to ask about the Rocket. The H-D guys would walk by and look at the bike and realize we were sitting behind it on the beach and start to walk away pretty quickly. Even my H-D rider buddies dont like to park next to me because their bikes disappear next to the Rocket.

Any way Mexican, that's my response this morning. I have had too much coffee already and I need to go bring home the bacon.
I went to a blessing of the bikes one year and one of the HD riders asked me if I wanted some clear coat paint for my Triumph (it's matte black) I thanked him and said that would be great and we could fix it up now as I noticed you brought the polished air compressor along:cool:.
At least he and his mates laughed - we shook hands and he said I had a great come back.
I don't care what brand you ride - you ride? Good enough for me
You were at a blessing of the bikes correct.? The places and events I go to are a far cry from that. There are some who attend the events I go to and they take it at valve. There are some who attend just to act like they are of the same and have to play the game (wanna bees) The people I hang out with have a lot of respect for my choice of bike. Hell one of them bought a ROCKET and traded his Harley after riding my ROCKET X around the block. so with that said lucky for you that the guy was down to earth and educated. This is a far cry from the idiots we have here in the states. PHil said it best.
Went to a rally with a bunch of Harley riders one time, i was riding a Honda Magna, not a pleasent experience, i don't blame the bikes, blame the idiots that think their crap on't stink, as you guys can see im an equal oportunity rider since my stable has different brands and sizes
me I"ve met all the kind that wont look talk give you time of day if you don't ride H.D.the kind that do ride H.D and are decent look at, want to know about,ask about the rocket,and the ones who think H.D. are the best till you steady and easily walk away with the rocket after all is called a rocket for a reason.BUT like mittzy I feel if youre decent don't have a chip on youre shoulder you might have made a friend if you ride to all the more better