Way to much fun

Boog, a good H-D mechanic would be on a Rocket if he knows any better. Why would a guy ride a $30+K air cooled over priced low tech bike like an Ultra when they can ride a Rocket.

Because the Rocket doesn't say "HD" on the tank...most Harley guys are brand whores who just want to be part of the sheeple crowd...

It amazes me how many HD owners I talk to (when they will even speak to me) that don't have a clue about any other make besides HD. If it doesn't say HD on the tank, they are completely clueless about it. That tells me they had no intention of buying anything that doesn't say HD on the tank because they haven't compared it to anything else. These guys are purely brand whores...they won't even consider anything else regardless of how much better it is....
Reading a lot on here about Harley snobs. Me thinks there may be some Triumph snobs on this site. Chip on your shoulder anyone? Who gives a shyt whether some dolt on a Harley pays you any attention? Seems like all brands have their share of azzhats riding them. Ever pull up next to the leather head to toe, mohawked helmet guys on stretched ****** rockets? Plenty of attitude to go around. I think my R3t is just awesome, it is different,FAST, and it is beautiful. Having said that I added HD #3 to my current lineup last week. 2016 heritage classic, better brakes this year, throttle by wire so has electronic cruise now. Linked abs. Many nice improvements. Wish my R3t had cruise...just saying it is a beautiful bike and in some ways more complex than my R3t. Hell, I make fun with people on HD's too, there are so many that it is a target rich environment, especially love the ones that have 100% HD head to toe gear, clothes, jewelry etc. I also understand though that they are just newly passionate and that cant be a bad thing.
being passionate about your bike is a good thing. It becomes a problem when you think that your superior just by the name on the side of the tank. I to own a Harley. A 2010 Fatboy which is fixed up not only chromed out but has a lot of engine work. (did it myself) For the most part we do not ride it much anymore. the Rocket by far is a better ride. The image that Harley has produced by mass advertisement is amazing. Their network of stores (notice did not say shops) is a marketing marvel that out performs the sales of the motorcycle itself. Have 85,000 miles on the Harley and it still runs good but even after doing all the work to the bike I have never been real impressed with it. Truimph on the other hand as we all know is real weak in all the above mention category's. But with that said The Rocket X is by far the best bike I have ever owned. Still Impressed
Reading a lot on here about Harley snobs. Me thinks there may be some Triumph snobs on this site. Chip on your shoulder anyone? Who gives a shyt whether some dolt on a Harley pays you any attention? Seems like all brands have their share of azzhats riding them. Ever pull up next to the leather head to toe, mohawked helmet guys on stretched ****** rockets? Plenty of attitude to go around. I think my R3t is just awesome, it is different,FAST, and it is beautiful. Having said that I added HD #3 to my current lineup last week. 2016 heritage classic, better brakes this year, throttle by wire so has electronic cruise now. Linked abs. Many nice improvements. Wish my R3t had cruise...just saying it is a beautiful bike and in some ways more complex than my R3t. Hell, I make fun with people on HD's too, there are so many that it is a target rich environment, especially love the ones that have 100% HD head to toe gear, clothes, jewelry etc. I also understand though that they are just newly passionate and that cant be a bad thing.


The only snobs I have encountered (in over 40 years of riding) have all been Harley riders...
Many Hd riders are snobs and *******s, so are many Triumph riders, and I doubt there is any brand of bike that has no snobs or *******s. I've found that if you talk to **** near anyone nicely they will respond the same way. Just start with Hi or Hello the normal reply is not *** U.
I agree. I often ride with other riders who do not know me, most of them on Harleys. I have never had any rider snob me or act "better then thou" to me. Most riders seem very interested in the Rocket, ask dozens of questions about the bike, and end with "that's a very nice bike" quote. Kinda cool being an outsider in a pool of Y-twins!