water dispersant for screen/visors

The absolute world leader in solid surface coatings Concrete etc, is GuardIt Solutions. The only non solvent, water based, food grade sealer in the world and out performs anything else. The only thing that gets close is a German product but it is a 2pk, difficult to apply, very dependant on thermal and moisture conditions and limited application once mixed. GuardIt is easy and safe for a child to apply.

If you are interested in further details send me a PM as my family owns the global patents for it.
There wouldn't be a slight bias in that review would there? ;) ;)
Best way ever to stop fogging and keep rain droplets off the visor....

Get yourselves a hot rod and leave the Rocket in the garage for sunny days.

Works every time.


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My bikes are my only means of transport .. I don't own a car (not one that's going anyway) .. what is it they say " if you don't ride in the rain you're not really a rider"
My bikes are my only means of transport .. I don't own a car (not one that's going anyway) .. what is it they say " if you don't ride in the rain you're not really a rider"
and there is a reason they call your part of the world the "Rainbow Coast". :sneaky:
My bikes are my only means of transport .. I don't own a car (not one that's going anyway) .. what is it they say " if you don't ride in the rain you're not really a rider"

Well sorry Tomcat, I'm just not tough Mate. Riding in the rain? Stuff that! The water pools on your seat around your nuts and shrinks ya *****to 2".