Vibration Issue - Video Enclosed

Some have cure it with adjusting the forks
I think it was the front tire.
Every time I get a new tire i take it up to 40 mph and let off throttle and ease my hands back to see if i t wobbles.
One metzer was a tank slapper.
I took it in for an annual service last week. They said they bled my rear brake as part of a recall. It made zero difference. Now I have to go back with another issue and biatch about it. I’m desperately trying to love this bike. The more I ride it the harder that’s getting. Appreciate all input. Thanks .
I have the same issue at 5k+ RPMs but I've had that issue with every bike past a certain RPM. Move your mirrors in and it helps quite a bit. Personally I don't mind it because I'm rarely at 5k RPMs anymore, trying to save gas because of these prices. xD I've been averaging 40 mpg lately with light ripping. As opposed to the 33-34 I was getting with frequent ripping.
Thanks for your reply friend. I don’t care about the fuel costs. I didn’t buy this beast to putt around town, and help save the environment. I bought last ever big bike purchase to feel power, acceleration, speed, and adrenaline. None of which this very expensive bike seems to be capable of. It’s literally incapable of speeds faster than 100 mph for any longer then seconds without feeling like it’s going to fly apart. That’s not what I paid for. This bike is incapable of preforming to the engineering standards to which it was sold to me . By definition that makes it defective.
Some have cure it with adjusting the forks
I think it was the front tire.
Every time I get a new tire i take it up to 40 mph and let off throttle and ease my hands back to see if i t wobbles.
One metzer was a tank slapper.
I do this also. My first Rocket classic was purchased used from a dealer. I got a wobble on the test ride and the mechanic's response was "don't take your hands off the bars." I insisted on a new front tire and no more wobbles.

When changing my own tires I bounce the front end up and down while seated holding the brake before tightening the pinch bolts. This helps align the forks.

I will say that although no wobble with either of two front tires I've been through that the 2.5 wants to drift to the left when releasing the grips. Anyone else noticing this too? The Roadster always steers straight.
I do in fact notice this bikes tendency to pull towards the left when riding no hands, which I do a lot to try and negate the vibration on my hands as much as possible. While doing so I pull my right knee out from the tank to act as a wind sail. It helps. I’m no mechanic, but I believe the rotation of the crank shaft on this inline 3 is causing centrifugal force towards the left.
They’re saying the vibration isn’t bad enough around town to warrant a mechanical claim. And they won’t test it at high speeds because it’s illegal/ liable. I’m between the preverbal rock and a hard place.
They said the front tire is out of round, and will “ probably “ replace it under warranty. Also they finally admitted there’s a vibration in “ the rear”. They’ve submitted a warranty claim with Triumph for “ maybe” a driveshaft replacement . It’s been weeks. Haven’t heard yet. Guess it’s a start eh .
I’ve scheduled an appointment at a business that does dynamometer tests. I’ve told them that the test isn’t about rpm/ hp. It’s about vibration. I’ll let y’all know what an independent business makes of this bike.
So they(dealership) told me “ There’s no way in hell” they’re testing my bikes vibration on a dynamometer. “ To dangerous.” Their solution replace my front tire, and go from there. Eight weeks gone by now. Entire summer riding season. Still waiting for that tire that won’t make any difference.
Odd assessment in my opinion. A dyno would all but eliminate the front end of trouble. Unless they think the problem is in the engine or drivetrain I can see them not wanting it on one.
i guess u don't have any good mechanics in your area
strapped on dyno u could just let the clutch out and tell if the tire is bent and if all good u could take it up slow and monitor it as u increase speed.
i just went to home depot and bought a piece of rod stock to check balance of the wheel assembly stuck thru rim and on jack stands or chairs or bricks.
you can rev in neutral does it have the vibration?
jack up the rear and slow increase speed does it shake more at the back or more at front. i do this on cars and find bent wheels, bent axles, tires out of round, tires not seated on the rims correctly , drive shafts out of balance if it shakes the trans the prob is in the front if it shakes the differential then prob is at the back of the shaft.
at least get in the air and check if the tire is out of round all you need is a piece of card board to get close to the tire.
through with rant