Vandemon Headers

Any idea when you'll have an idea of final pricing and availability? Also will the header be separate from the rest of the exhaust in the event I want to use a different muffler? Or will it only come as a complete system?

I replaced the stock muffler with a Verex one and have been pretty happy as it isn't overly loud. At 3k rpm cruise, with the baffle in, I can't hear the exhaust over the wind noise. I don't mind a bit louder under hard acceleration but I don't want to be deafened while riding at cruise speed on a longer trip.
hey Paul can you put idle air control motors in the three exhaust pipes so i can get the maxium power at idle
my biked is still set at stock settings till 3500 rpm . why would anybody want to go full throttle at 1500 to1800 in a higher gear.
it is going to take me about 1 or 2 seconds to get above 3500 rpm in first then the bike hauls ass.
I'm about two months out on production, pricing will be announced at that time.
The header and the muffler are two seperate piece's, if you wanted just the header that would be no problem but keep in mind that all the after market "slip on" systems are made to suit the very small (1¾" O.D.) tail pipe of the stock header, my header has a 2¼" O.D. tail pipe.

When I first built the 2.3 System, I built it with a 2" O.D. tail pipe, this soon proved to be insufficient so I stepped it up to the 2¼" pipe, the power increase was significant.
So if you want to stay with your small after market muffler, you will not get the power gains available.

None of my systems are "Harley obnoxious"

As Tal has aid, following Mulks on his GT was not at all a problem noise wise, until he gave it full throttle and dissapered.
That is good to know about the size.

From time to order until you ship, typically how long? Two months out puts us into Sept and the riding season is starting to wind down a bit by then.
That is good to know about the size.

From time to order until you ship, typically how long? Two months out puts us into Sept and the riding season is starting to wind down a bit by then.
About a month by the time I build the system, have it coated, then ship it.

As I sell Globally, the "riding season" is all year 'round.
E.G. our riding season here in NZ starts at about that time, tho' I for one ride all year round.
When I lived in California, it was easy to ride year-round. The snow and ice in the winter here typically come at the end of Dec to early Feb typically. Streetbikes suck on ice and snow; been there, and done that when I had no choice.

A lot of summer days here is +40C and heavy traffic. So temps on the roads hit +45-50C easily. Sitting in bumper to bumper traffic when the temps are that high along with a huge truck next to you is not my idea of fun so I tend to skip the inferno days as the Rocket just piles even more heat on you.
Yep, a common story.
...that would be no fun! in NZ if we go above 30c its a hot day!...we're in winter down here just now and still we ride...the rocket heat is appreciated then!'s fair to say tho, i wouldnt be riding in is bad enuff especially as they put sand and grit on it!...