Any idea when you'll have an idea of final pricing and availability? Also will the header be separate from the rest of the exhaust in the event I want to use a different muffler? Or will it only come as a complete system?I have been selling Globally for over 30 years.
The fact that this pipe is not suitable for you concerns me not.
I can't please every one, and I don't try.
The "noise" is not at all "un-bearable"
All of my Exhaust Systems are built for road going Bikes, not race bikes.
So the power and torque is spread wide, which is what is requiered on a road going machine.
I replaced the stock muffler with a Verex one and have been pretty happy as it isn't overly loud. At 3k rpm cruise, with the baffle in, I can't hear the exhaust over the wind noise. I don't mind a bit louder under hard acceleration but I don't want to be deafened while riding at cruise speed on a longer trip.