Valkyrie questions

Rocket Scientist

Grand Exulted Poobah
Sep 27, 2009
Spring Lake, Michigan
Black 05' Rocket III standard
Hi all ! I know some of you fellows have or had Valkyries. I'm thinking of buying one as an interim bike until I get Rocket hammered back together. Anything I should be wary of ? I took one for a test ride this morning. Never ridden before but it felt just like imagined it would. Had Cobra pipes on it. Really liked the sound. Didn't buy it though, it was pretty rough. Looked like it had sat out in the weather some. Aluminum was corroding under the clear coat. What really concerned me was that the oil filter was rusty
WOW do you think it might be slightly overdue for a service ?
in all seriousness you guys have salt on your roads and is it possible that the previous owner never washed it off. The Gold Wing / Valkyrie motors are bullet proof so if you were to strip all the clear crap off and let @scot in exile loose with some polish on it it would be a good buy if the price was right. Before I stumbled onto and test rode the Rocket I was on the lookout for a Valk' there is so much in the way of chrome accessories available and they really look good all blinged up.
If the bike looks like **** you can bet he has not taken care of it, Fred hate sounding like a broken record but the money you will spend on the valk for a few thou more you could buy a newer rocket all nice and fine fixing old faithful but when all is said and done it is still an old 75000miles bike.
Buy a newer one and paint it to match your corbin bags.
Well I went and did it. Bought me an old Valk. We're just getting into prime riding season here. I'll be lucky if my R3 is back together in time for RAA. Paid $4000 for it. 81,000 miles. Engine is nice and quiet. Took it out before I bought it and beat the snot out it to make sure the trans/diff were alright. It even does little tiny wheelies bangin' into 2nd and 3rd . Not a real ball of fire but it will get out of it's own way at least. Really like the sound of the six. It'll tie me over till rock is fixed.

I researched a Valk before buying my R3T. Becareful with the petcock and floats, known to flood cylinders and hydro-lock the piston and bend rods. The carbs can be a problem to sync and tune.
I researched a Valk before buying my R3T. Becareful with the petcock and floats, known to flood cylinders and hydro-lock the piston and bend rods. The carbs can be a problem to sync and tune.

It runs good. I used to balance 4 carbs, what's two more . Not sure if it has a vacuum shut off pet cock. I'll look into that.