US Triumph Dealers who will ship to Australia

Also check rego details as it will not have an australian compliance plate fitted, so will most likley need an engineers inspection and search $$$$$$$$$
The hidden costs and taxes will kill you. I think the only cost effective way is to have lived in the US with it for a while, otherwise we'd all be doing it. But if you find a way, please let us know.
I've seen sneaky automobile enthusiasts bring a car into the states and use the VIN from an older USA spec car to register it in order to avoid the taxes, inspection and inevitable alterations required to make it street legal. You could use the VIN and title from an old Bonnie, America or anything Triumph that's already in Oz to tag it. As long as you never sold it, there most likely wouldn't ever be an issue. I assume it's just as common there as here to build bikes from scratch and have VIN #'s assigned to them without a manufacturer. Just take off the emblems and identification numbers, then tell them you built it in your kitchen. LOL ;)