Uh oh,passenger heat BIG problem

A high performance coolant. It is suppose to dissipate the heat better which allows the engine to run cooler. Likewise after he breaks her in and decide to reflash the ECU a richer map will help the bike run cooler especially down in the lower ranges where the O2 sensor has leaned out the mixture for EPA type emission standards.
Right,dealer said I had to wait until the 500 mile service.Thanks.
What she was wearing?

I had the same issue with my wife but she was wearing sandals....(she loves to ride like that so what can i do), after a we talked she put on some boots and gear and she stopped complaining. Granted it was mid 80's but atleast she felt better.
Right I think under 90 won't be a big deal. We haven high 90's here for awhile. Just extreme conditions.
I have a touring that got crazy hot if I ever got stuck in traffic. I pulled the chrome exhaust shields off, wrapped the header down to the single outlet with header wrap, and then reattached the heat shields. I didn't have a heat gun to check it, but my right leg wasn't on fire in jeans and boots anymore, even at 100 degF in Mid TN summers. I think the comment about removing the CAT's is relevant; they build a lot of heat and expand a bit at operating temps. Getting some aftermarket pipes sans the CAT's could go a long way. In the meantime, $30 worth of header wrap seemed to cut down the radiant heat from the exhaust and pushed a lot more out the back end. I also started running a different tune that has the radiator fan kicking on at a slightly lower temp than stock. I've found this helpful, too. Good luck!
Great advice thanks.
Getting rid of the cats and adding titanium exhaust wrap will make a big improvement.

Cats were gone when I bought my bike; but I did the wrap last month. It works.
Nice. How do you remove CATS and does that affect warranty or have any other side effects?
If you have the Touring or Roadster the cats are in the mufflers so you need to replace them. On the Classic and Standard it is in the crossover box.