I ran the first Megasquirt and spark ever in the US as a prototype tester on my turbo car back in... uh I think it was 2003 I first put it in. Made great power and got crazy good gas mileage, 390hp and almost 50mpg cruising at 80mph
from a 2.0 DOHC 1999 Neon R/T. Take that hybrids!!
It’s very very easy to setup, and the crank trigger for the R3 is already programmed into the standard software, there’s like 50 triggers to choose from. The other sensors are easy, GM coolant temp, has its own MAP, and will accept VSS and gear position from stock sensors. The biggest “squirt” challenge on the R3 will be getting the stock gauges to function...
I’m trying to avoid going “full retard” so to speak. I think it was Trirocket3 who went all in on a turbo build and ended up with way too much power.
@BigNorm funny I have the opposite issue, I find the engine management part to be the easiest lol. What I was thinking though, is a second oil loop using an electric pump for the turbo. Keep that scorched oil out of my clutch please
. If done in such a manner it should extend the life of both the engine oil and turbo.
This project is going to be a long one, not even considering really starting wrenching until next winter when I go look for a 2014+ touring with low miles for sale.