Turbo Kits currently available?

a member here threw on a turbo last year for the salt and did well, he just did it, nothing fancy no kit just low buck build and made it happen. Went like 175 or so, did this in weeks from no bike to salt
I feel a 250 to 300 project coming up.😀
very interesting..hmm. id honestly be content with a maxout of 200 hp or so with a lil engineering.. haha thanks for the history lesson:p
guess its time to start investing hrs into learning how turbos really work XD
n the finer points of forced induction and god knows whats to know...Im literally sold on the turbo upgrades to give unreasonable power on the rd!-after reading our rockets are basically perfect machines stock for adapting a turbo!!
guess its time to start investing hrs into learning how turbos really work XD
n the finer points of forced induction and god knows whats to know...Im literally sold on the turbo upgrades to give unreasonable power on the rd!-after reading our rockets are basically perfect machines stock for adapting a turbo!!

I have a shop and have been eyeballing the turbos on cars coming through and think one of these days someone will scrap one of these and i will have a turbo to try and mount.
I have a shop and have been eyeballing the turbos on cars coming through and think one of these days someone will scrap one of these and i will have a turbo to try and mount.
lmao that a casual way o sayin your lookin forward to me burnin up my first turbo? haha eh well hey id be happy if thats all that gets burned up
lmao that a casual way o sayin your lookin forward to me burnin up my first turbo? haha eh well hey id be happy if thats all that gets burned up

Some of the newer cars when the transmissions r bad they run 3000 to 5000 (still doing some of the old ones for 1200) so sometimes that is more that the car is worth so they scrap the car.
So if i can get a car with turbo for $500 thats a good start.
Some of the newer cars when the transmissions r bad they run 3000 to 5000 (still doing some of the old ones for 1200) so sometimes that is more that the car is worth so they scrap the car.
So if i can get a car with turbo for $500 thats a good start.
haha il SAY SO pretty much read my mind on where i was heading. so these turbo units CAN relatively just be plucked off a car or attain one advertised for another application, and reconfigure to fit somewhere on our beasts? thats friggin awesome. As stated iv got some reading up to do of the theory of all this...ackkk well first things first n thats continuing my slow tear down/repair of my baby...but hey gotta rear rim comin by the 6th at least