I cringe when I see photos like this and the guy posting saying THIS WRONG PAY ME AND I'LL FIX IT

Plenty of post about chocolate gearboxes but I have never seen a post on here about burnt valves or holed piston due to a lean running .

Tune up cos the tuner guy said it needs it .

But I'm sure its a big issue and keeps the tuners in work ;)

Ya lost me, buddy? Are you saying the bike was fine as is, it doesn't need retuned?
I cringe when I see photos like this and the guy posting saying THIS WRONG PAY ME AND I'LL FIX IT

Plenty of post about chocolate gearboxes but I have never seen a post on here about burnt valves or holed piston due to a lean running .

Tune up cos the tuner guy said it needs it .

But I'm sure its a big issue and keeps the tuners in work ;)

SOooooo… glowing red head pipes are ok??
Ya lost me, buddy? Are you saying the bike was fine as is, it doesn't need retuned?

Thank you! I was doing everything in the world that I could to keep my mouth shut, but i was dangerously approaching the end of my ability.................................
I cringe when I see photos like this and the guy posting saying THIS WRONG PAY ME AND I'LL FIX IT

Plenty of post about chocolate gearboxes but I have never seen a post on here about burnt valves or holed piston due to a lean running .

Tune up cos the tuner guy said it needs it .

But I'm sure its a big issue and keeps the tuners in work ;)

Here, from someone NOT in the tuning business and with facts to back it up.

FACT: The rocket runs lean, dangerously so when you start modding it without a re-tune.

FACT: It tolerates it fairly well, but running way too hot, too frequently will lead to other problems. Sheared and baked oil, and all the wear that comes with degraded oil.

Neville is one of the highest regarded members and tuners of R3s, by me and many (most?) here.

How people who don’t understand how the ECU works and have little/no objective data can even begin to question those who have both when they tell you, you need a tune is beyond me.

Just because the bike RUNS in the 15 to 16 AFR range doesn’t mean it’s right, safe, or smart.

Consider the reason you don’t see melted down motors. Forged factory internals, way understressed motors, detonation resistant head. It doesn’t make it OK to abuse it just means the abuse will be tolerated longer before damage is done.
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5 bites. This is the type of thing that drives valuable members from forums. Once the guys who actually know what they're talking about are gone we're left with such gems as 'haven't heard of a holed piston, haven't heard of a burnt valve, she'll be right.'
5 bites. This is the type of thing that drives valuable members from forums. Once the guys who actually know what they're talking about are gone we're left with such gems as 'haven't heard of a holed piston, haven't heard of a burnt valve, she'll be right.'

Seems every MC site has a hand full of truly knowledgable members, wrench for a living, have or work for a successful shop, tech at a dealer, yada. And they are willing to and do offer good advice. Then there's the wannabe blowhards who don't know sh!t but advise (try to) regardless. Honestly, I don't think the wannabe's chase the smart guys away, because allot of smart guys don't mind shooting fish in a barrel :cool:. I like to read what the pro's have to write because I enjoy the learning experience, it's both interesting and valuable to me....I think many if not most are in that same boat. And then of course there's the whiners :rolleyes: :roll:
Seems every MC site has a hand full of truly knowledgable members, wrench for a living, have or work for a successful shop, tech at a dealer, yada. And they are willing to and do offer good advice. Then there's the wannabe blowhards who don't know sh!t but advise (try to) regardless. Honestly, I don't think the wannabe's chase the smart guys away, because allot of smart guys don't mind shooting fish in a barrel :cool:. I like to read what the pro's have to write because I enjoy the learning experience, it's both interesting and valuable to me....I think many if not most are in that same boat. And then of course there's the whiners :rolleyes: :roll:

Very well said Willy :thumbsup: