TuneBoy is HERE!

Okay . . . I loaded the new tune . . . seeing it was cold I'm doing a 12 minute tune as well before I take it out and see how different it is compared to the 44 tune.

Let you know.

Took it for a spin . .. can't tell a whole of difference . . . even with the 7% added back on the bottom 2 gears it still is very controllable.

It has a little more popping during decel . . . not sure why . . . should be richer.

Speedo seems a little less than before.

Runs good, Idles a little harsher I think.

We'll see . . . gotta ride it more.

Goes on Dyno Saturday I hope . .. the I can see where it's at . . . then all I have to do is figure out how to change it and in the right areas.

Download the new tune in TuneEdit, open TuneBoy and hit reset adapt, start bike and let it idle for a while, then go for a ride - this is the same as running Triumph's 12 minute tune, but quicker. You do not need to do this when making small adjustments to tunes - only when downloading a completely new tune
gldean said:
It has a little more popping during decel . . . not sure why . . . should be richer.

I know R34ME added some fuel in the lower L tables to conteract the decel popping

See above post for suggestion on alternative to 12 min tune
I may go back to the 44 tune and see if I can just change up the 7% and speedo.

It seemed to run better on 44 tune. It's hard to tell about power gains . . . this things so dang strong anyway, you'd need a major difference in loss or gain to tell the difference. :twisted:

But I do appreciate the Tune Edit advice. Quicker than the 12 minute tune and more economical as well.
