Tune ECU Com Problem

Thanks maybe if you use win 7 you could give me a clue as to which driver is compatable, I just spent another 3 hours resurecting an old laptop with XP loaded everything up followed the instructions and guess what exactly the same error.

Both win 7 and XP say the usb and drivers are working, TuneECU software loads up and tries to connect. When I connect the OBDII socket to the ECU plug the lights run across to static red .

As for loving it at the moment its just a peice of crap and the there is no way I can test the cable or know which driver to install.

Conclusion .. Just run with the GiPro and the Tors as is, I give up :confused:

With windows 7, I plugged in the cable and windows when online and downloaded the driver all by it's self, there was no input from me.

The FTDI for the cable from the ftdichip.com are for all windows versions. If you installed the driver from the CD that came with your cable that is most likely your problem.

You could have a bad cable. One of the TuneEcu threads shows how some of the cables may have bad solder joints. It's fairly easy to take apart to inspect and repair.
If you're not familiar with soldering on a PC board get some help.

Assuming your cable is good, I would uninstall the cable and drivers and delete the drivers you downloaded. Then, with an active internet connection plug your cable into the USB port. Windows should find the new hardware and search for drivers. You may have to manually search for new hardware through the "Control Panel"

The link is for a FTDI drivers installation guide for Windows 7.

Good Luck.:)
With windows 7, I plugged in the cable and windows when online and downloaded the driver all by it's self, there was no input from me.

The FTDI for the cable from the ftdichip.com are for all windows versions. If you installed the driver from the CD that came with your cable that is most likely your problem.

You could have a bad cable. One of the TuneEcu threads shows how some of the cables may have bad solder joints. It's fairly easy to take apart to inspect and repair.
If you're not familiar with soldering on a PC board get some help.

Assuming your cable is good, I would uninstall the cable and drivers and delete the drivers you downloaded. Then, with an active internet connection plug your cable into the USB port. Windows should find the new hardware and search for drivers. You may have to manually search for new hardware through the "Control Panel"

The link is for a FTDI drivers installation guide for Windows 7.

Good Luck.:)

Thanks Lester for the info.
Actually when I first connected the Cable to the laptop I did let Win 7 instal a driver via Int online, this was where I first encountered the error message, I then figured the driver must be incompatable so I deleted the Microsoft win 7 driver and tried every driver and combination I could think of...
Thats what took so many hours, I have an option to borrow a cable from slick rick who is local, so from what you are saying it maybe a cable fault,
I will search for the re-solder info on the site and have a look all I know about board soldering is "go in hot and get out quick" easy if you have got the experience and gear, I maybe out of practice nowadays :(

I might wait until my PCv arrives and give TuneECU a miss..
Its enough to make ya wanna turn around and bite ya own arse

Thanks again to everyone much appreciated :cool:
My PCV + Auto Tune just arrived opened the boxes...:eek:.. theres some gear, even say it looks a little intimidateing when you first open it all up....got some reading to do looks like I'll be busy today:D
And Hanso, make sure you make all your mistakes on yours so you won't f*ck it up when you're doing mine. :p
How does Go F*** yourself sound, I might just sit back and watch you and laugh:D
for what it is worth once you have the missing instructions so that you know which other plugs you need to intersect it is quite easy I think even You could do the instalation, I am leaveing the final set up til tomorrow after I have had some sleep it's been 24 hrs since I got up worked 14 hours and ben stuffing aroun d with bike since I got home, Lubed my throttle cables with Teflon spray, rerouted them andnow also fitted the PCV, all I have to do is hook it up to power and earth, then check the map with the 'putor and then ........ test test test>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:cool:
This may help.
Down load WINRAR, free,When prompt to buy close box and carry on.

Open the file with this ,extract,unpack file and save to desk top, Done :)
This may help.
Down load WINRAR, free,When prompt to buy close box and carry on.

Open the file with this ,extract,unpack file and save to desk top, Done :)

Thanks Pedro already had it and file unpacked OK..
PC says cable is working with all the Dvr Files I tried.. but Neither Win7 or XP want to talk with the ECU it could be the OBDII cable but the socket is sealed I would have to cut it around the seam to open it up and re-solder the connections..

For the moment I am giving the whole TuneECU and Cable the Arse until I get my interest back.. it really P#ssed me off after 6 hours.

Thanks Mate :)