Trophy 1200 Update

Saturday 8/28 we worked on the neutral indicator issue. I found the neutral switch located down by the oil level sightglass. I pulled the electrical plug off the indicator tab and gently pulled on the wire. The wire came came out from under the cooling hose and kept coming. Then the broken end appeared. The wire had been pulled apart. Tom got my soldering iron and some shrink wrap. He had the wires reconnected in a couple minutes, however we couldn't fish them thru the way they did at the factory since that would have required disassembling the bike, so we had plenty of slack we just fished it thru behind the alternator and ran it straight down to the tab. Plugged it in and then turned on the ignition switch and great big "N" appeared on the dash. So to verify the problem resolved I started the bike and put the kickstand down. The bike kept running. VIOLA!!

Next we pulled the tank and checked the carb throttle cable seating. It was down as far as it would go, we then noticed the cable housing at the throttle grip was deteriorated and some of the plastic housing has chipped off. We'll try running some WD-40 down the cable to see if the slow response is due to the thing sitting out in the rain for 'awhile.' We got the grab handles installed (I'm leaving off the tail trunk). and Tom took it for a test ride. With the exception of the throttle cable issue, all was well. I'll order a new cable and we'll get that installed this winter when it's not so bloody hot in the garage. Otherwise it's ready for a safety inspection and registration.
Today (9/27) with cooler temps got after some of the remaining issues. The rearview mirrors are pretty loosey-goosey so inserted some M4 bolts into the centers and cranked down on the nuts to try to firm up the action. Limited success, I don't think they'll spin like whirly-gigs in the wind but none to confidence inspiring either, might have to bite the expense and get some new units. Got the turn indicator sorted out with a new bulb and installed the rubber grommets on the fuel tank to snap the side panel into. Got enough lube down the throttle cable to finally get some response on the return throttle spring, it's much improved. Ready now to get to the DMV for a temp tag so I can get it inspected and registered.
on the mirrors there is a tapered insert in there that u can replace.
i took a 45 apc empty shell and cut down one side and then cut it off to make sleeve an it worked great.
it took several times to get it tight.
if u dont get it tight it will fold back at about 85
You'll have to post up some pics of the mod. I have a couple thousand .45ACP shells I can donate to a mirror project. It looks to me like there's a flex washer on the top of the assembly that is supposed to keep tension on the post. How do you get that off without buggering the assembly?

On a side note I got the 30 day tag today so will start shaking the bike down legally for any hidden problems. The throttle response is now normal so that's done with. Next up safety inspection and registration.
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mine r the original mickey mouse mirrors they do not have a washer
they just have a tapper system with a tapered sleeve so when the sleeve gets bad u can tighten it hard and it still turns easy so i added the sleeve (45) then it would tighten up but for some reason i had to tighten about 3 times before it would hold.
the 45 had a little taper also.
may b we ought to start selling them lol
Just bought a metric Belleville washer kit off Amazon to deal with the mirrors. There's a "Jesus" clip on the top and 3 belleville washers under it to keep tension on the mirror swivel base. Found some instructions and photos to deal with the floppy mirror syndrome and new bellevilles seemed the best solution (rebending the old ones will only last so long before they whirly-gig again). The detents are actually spring loaded ball bearings at the base of the stem and seat in cups on the base. Once I get the new washers installed I'll post up how well they worked.
9/27 the registration tag is on the Trophy! Took it out for a 50+ mile shakedown Sunday and everything was working except te left rear brake light. Trip to O'Reilly's Auto cured it. Tried a trick with the mirrors (although new bellevilles arrived), I used 2 small sockets to parallel the pinch points and squeezed the base and Jesus clip in a vice. The Jesus clip retracted a couple millimeters and the stems were snug again. I'll replace the bellevilles this winter. So it's now street legal and I've been getting a kick out of putting miles on it. Now I have to decide how long I want to keep it........