Trophy 1200 Project Update


Living Legend
Nov 29, 2007
Keller, TX
17 T-120 Black, 20 Bobber Blk, 22 Speed Triple RS
I decided I wanted to get the seat either repaired or replaced. Sadly when I checked Fleecebay the only options were used units they wanted $200 to $250 plus shipping. Surely re-upholstering couldn't be that much. Wrong. The quote I got was $298.00 "out the door." Dilemma, buy a used seat off Fleecebay or re-uphoster what I have. Buying one off Fleecbay doesn't guarnatee it won't need re-upolstering after it arrives, so I opted for $298.00. I did check Corbin out and I could get a really NICE leather seat but that's $571 before you add any shipping costs. I had one on my first Trophy 1200 and really liked it, but this bike is only worth (according to NADA) about $1100. So buying a seat thats half the value of the bike didn't make a lot of sense< especailly when the seat I have is getting new foam etc. So more money gone.

I took the gas tank to a paintless hail damage place here in town and was told the paint is cracked and there's no way to get the dents out without removing the paint, so that's going to be $650.00 if I let them do it. Tomorrow I'm taking it to Arlington to a bike shop that does collision repair and get a second opinion (and quote). I'd have done it today but the guy I talked to said they were closing shop and heading to Houston to deliver a bike. My guess is that's one pricey piece of hardware they're delivering.

To deal with the rest of the issues with the bike, here's a list of stuff I've ordered from Fleecebay, Engle Motors, Bike Bandit, and Amazon:
NOTE: I'll be updating this list as I get more money involved.
1. Dot 4 brake fluid (2 bottles)
2, oil filter
3. Castrol 5W40 full synthetic (4 quarts)
4. Air box (the filter is non-replaceable)
5. 530 O-ring chain 110 link
6. Motorcycle radiator coolant (1/2 gallon)
7. fuel filters
8. fuel pipes
9. 6 Sigma Jet kit
10. Front fender mudguard
11. Intake manifolds (4)
12. Intake manifold clamps (8)
13. Carburetor diaphragms (4)
14. NGK spark plugs (4)
15. Coils (2)
16. Dry Chain lube
17. Spray carb cleaner (3 cans)
18. Igniter ECM
19. Gas tank decals

I haven't added up the cost of all this stuff (fortunately Discover card does) but I'm willing to bet there's no way I can afford to sell this bike until it hits 40 years old (which assumes it's still runnig while I'm probably not going to be). The collectability should at that point should help me (or my estate) break even. Good thing I enjoy doing this cuz I aint making any money off it.
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Get another price on recovering, I'm pretty sure I paid less half that for my r65. My guy recovered the seat, bottom and back, in a side car plus made a snap on cover for side car for about that. Oh, and recovered a back rest for $20, marine vinyl, I tipped him 10 because I thought it was ridiculously cheap. Guy does a lot of boat work and classic cars
I’m in the same boat with a KLR650 I’m resurrecting. Most of the good stuff is only available in the good old USA and freight to Oz is often more than the cost of the item I’m trying to buy.
Get another price on recovering, I'm pretty sure I paid less half that for my r65. My guy recovered the seat, bottom and back, in a side car plus made a snap on cover for side car for about that. Oh, and recovered a back rest for $20, marine vinyl, I tipped him 10 because I thought it was ridiculously cheap. Guy does a lot of boat work and classic cars
I think it depends greatly on your location and how busy the shop is. In the DFW area I called a number of places that do cars, boats, furniture, and only this guy was willing to do it, if I didn't mind waiting on it. Tomorrow I'm headed to Arlington to see if the shop there can do the gas tank cheaper than $650. It's not like I like throwing money at a project (unlike Uncle Sam), it's just finding people willing to take on the work is sometimes the real challenge. When I lived in rural Kansas I wasn't charged an arm, a leg and first born child for this kind of stuff, but those folks were wanting business traffic.

Gas tank is being repaired for $500.00 and I'm having the decals shipped to the shop directly since it's in Arlington. He said about 10 days to get it done. Got the carbs done today and next week should have the coils and gas tank ready for installation as well. Once the carbs are back on and new coils installed I'll use my auxiliary fuel tank and see if the bike fires before we reassemble all the bits and bobs. May have to get a K & N air filter and modify it to fit the air box (or could just chuck it and go with individual pods.....hmmnnnn,,,,,,).

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