Tom called me last night saying he was taking today off and asked if he could come over early to work on the Trophy. Sure enough he showed up at 0655 and we proceeded to first put gas in the aux tank with new hoses now attached. Same problem, only this time the leak was coming from the ball valve in the line, so I have a new ball valve coming later today. We then changed the spark plugs, all of which showed signs of too rich mix, likely due to the filthy air filter we took out and replaced. I had to teach him how to gap plugs but he was able to get it done. After the plugs we tackled replacing the chain. That required getting the rear wheel in the air so we put my scissors jack under the center stand, tied the front forks down to the lift table with a cinch strap and then scissored the rear wheel off the table. I used my chain breaker to push out one rivet and the chain parted. I used the new link master link to connect the old chain to new and had Tom pull the old chain straight out> The old chain fed the new easily and then removed the old chain entirely. I asked Tom to loosen the pinch bolts on the eccentric adjusters so I could get enough slack in the new chain to join it. That put the rear tire into the jack but I had enough slack to join the chain ends. We verified we had O-rings on the inside and I put O-rings on the outside, put the master link plate on and then finagled the retaining clip on. My chain tool has the bits and bobs to join a continuous chain but I opted for the master link style to save a few bucks. After that we attacked the coolant overflow tank issue. The tank had old antifreeze in it and we wanted to get some fresh coolant in, so to do that we had to remove the tank from the inner fender assembly. It took about 30 minutes trying to decide how to do that since the factory riveted the tank onto the sub fender. Tom decided to just remove the fender with tank attached so we did that. The coolant in the tank was a 50-50 mix of coolant and mud. Tom rinsed the tank out as much as possible and then we reassembled the unit, poured in some fresh antifreeze and buttoned it back up.
At this point we have the majority of mechanical work done so it's a mattter of getting the engine tuned and the body work restored. Still haven't heard from the body shop on the fuel tank, hope that happens this week.