Had Harley's for years traded my 07 Fatboy for a 09 vrod Muscle..the 96cu engine of
the Fatboy ran way to hot. Anyways i traded the Muscle for the Rocket and have never
regretted it..i really like this bike and i have had many bikes over the years of all shapes and all size's
When i took her in for her first service they loaned me a new Bonneville and i hadn't been on a Bonneville since the 60s when i was a lot younger than i am now
Boy the Rocket makes most bikes feel like a scooter and to be fair to the Bonneville
It went ran pretty well..i kinda upset the service guy..when he asked my opinion
of the Bonneville and i said yeah it's ok but somebody forgot to put an engine in it

Guy's before i get flamed i was only having a laugh
On a more serious note what will we replace the Rocket with..i intend keeping mine
for sometime to come..but that doesn't stop me looking..there's nothing out there at
the moment that i want..but i did read an intresting article in a brit bike magazine off
an interview with the boss of BMW and he said that before he leaves his position
he wants to put the new 1600/6 into a cruiser..that could be worth a look