Triump vs Harley

Had Harley's for years traded my 07 Fatboy for a 09 vrod Muscle..the 96cu engine of
the Fatboy ran way to hot. Anyways i traded the Muscle for the Rocket and have never
regretted it..i really like this bike and i have had many bikes over the years of all shapes and all size's
When i took her in for her first service they loaned me a new Bonneville and i hadn't been on a Bonneville since the 60s when i was a lot younger than i am now:(

Boy the Rocket makes most bikes feel like a scooter and to be fair to the Bonneville
It went ran pretty well..i kinda upset the service guy..when he asked my opinion
of the Bonneville and i said yeah it's ok but somebody forgot to put an engine in it :eek:
Guy's before i get flamed i was only having a laugh ;)

On a more serious note what will we replace the Rocket with..i intend keeping mine
for sometime to come..but that doesn't stop me looking..there's nothing out there at
the moment that i want..but i did read an intresting article in a brit bike magazine off
an interview with the boss of BMW and he said that before he leaves his position
he wants to put the new 1600/6 into a cruiser..that could be worth a look


I let my boss ride my 2010 Touring once (after he climbed off his little Road King) and he said this must be what it feels like when my wife goes to the gynecologist. LOL
If someone gave me a Heritage soft tail classic, I wouldn't kick it out of bed.
I still have a Softail Springer that I think I may have put 50 miles on it since last March when I purchased a 2011 R3R. Torque, Horse Power, comfort, handling, braking, dependability, wheelies, great looks, solo or two up riding, and good gas mileage. The Rocket is at the top of the food chain in my book.
Those on here that know me know I love to play (go fast ) drag race and be stupid the rocket fit the bill with comfort for long trips I miss it a little (more than I care to admit) the new bike is nice some of the same issues with a new Triumph it needs better suspion front and rear but does ride good handles a lot better than I thought it would but **** its slow riding the other day had a guy running 10 miles under the speed limit so I decided to pass as I did he decided not to let me now on the rocket I wouldn't have even know he sped up but on the HD I just got blown away thats where I really miss my rocket
We have a Fatboy which has been off the front porch one time in the last four months. The Rocket X is getting new tires this weekend. After 10,500 miles the rear tire is looking a bit worn. Going with Avon front and back. The tires on the Harley are a bit worn to but life has its priority's. Sort of says it all.
I still have my Electra Glide, but let's face it; Harley vs. Triumph doesn't really exist. The Harley loses in every measurable way. I have owned 7 Harleys and this is my second Triumph. Funny enough, the first bike I ever owned was a 72 Triumph Bonnie. It would slaughter all the Harleys then, and my Rocket will slaughter them now.
I still have my Electra Glide, but let's face it; Harley vs. Triumph doesn't really exist. The Harley loses in every measurable way. I have owned 7 Harleys and this is my second Triumph. Funny enough, the first bike I ever owned was a 72 Triumph Bonnie. It would slaughter all the Harleys then, and my Rocket will slaughter them now.
72 bonnie ?T120 oil in the frame?
Watched the video on Harley Davidson. They do a great job of making it look like an American made bike. Problem with that is it is image again not substance. Assembled in the U.S. not made here. The Fenders and gas tank on my 2010 Fatboy are stamped Made In China. The frame is the only portion of the bike made in the U.S.A. Must be a old video? Everything I have pulled from the bike has been made overseas.Everything we have replaced has been a aftermarket part really made in the U.S. I figure in a couple of years from now we may very well have an American made bike. If you want to have some fun walk into a Harley dealership and ask to see one **** thing they sell which is made here in the states. Not packaged but actually made here.